Road Trip To The Outside World

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The bell rang throughout the school, signifying the end of the day. With the students rushing out of their classrooms to get to the exits, Sasha, Danny, and Valentina decided to take different approaches to getting out. 

To avoid being trampled by the students, Valentina ran through the vents and exited out of a grate that led outside the school. 

Danny simply ran past everyone, weaving between them as his ability seemingly made everyone look as if they were standing still to him. 

Sasha used a stranger method. While not immediately jumping into the crowd, Sasha waited for a specific student to run past her. She looked for someone much taller, larger, and able to run through this stampede of people with ease.

Hearing a loud boom go throughout the hallway, she thought that it was exactly who she needed coming down the hallway, but instead a mass of students were sent flying away by a large force. 

Looking around to try to see who caused the blast, Sasha found none other than Cameron being pulled by the right ear of his bodyguard, who seemed to have found him after all this time.

Her enraged expression showed that she wasn't exactly all too happy at the moment, while Cameron was both in pain and scared. His bodyguard spoke as she put her smoking hand in her pocket, seeming to be the cause of that large blast of pressure.

"This is the LAST, time I'm letting you out of my sight! Do you have any idea how much searching i had to do to find you!"

Cameron tried his best to calm his bodyguard down, but he wasn't exactly the most effective, to say the least.  

"W-wait, Yasmin, it wasn't all that bad! At least I had a bit of fun, right?"

Yasmin was not hearing it, especially after seeing Cameron's condition after the two of them had been separated for so long. She couldn't believe her eyes; he looked like he had been robbed and ransacked.

"Fun?! Your jacket is gone and you're missing a shoe, what part of that was fun?!"

Dragging Cameron throughout the hallways by his ear, Yasmin was really angry with not only him but with Danny as well for making her go all around this school to look for Cameron. 

In the meantime, Sasha would decide to follow behind Yasmin and Cameron since they seemed to be able to clear a path out of the school.

The three of them made it through the school, with Yasmin yelling Cameron's ear off all the way through. 

Any and all groups of students that were in their way would be blown back by Yasmin's strikes until they eventually made it to the exit of the school.

The exact moment Yasmin and Cameron stepped outside of the school, they were met with the flashing of cameras, which burned away at their eyes. Cameron tried his best to cover his face while Yasmin was busy pushing and shoving the paparazzi away from the two of them. 

"Out of the way you vultures!"

She made sure to be careful with these kinds of people since she knows that any real injury could lead to a lawsuit despite them obviously violating their personal space.

Sasha, on the other hand, was stuck trying to maneuver and slip her way through the crowd of people who were obviously here to see Cameron, given that their cameras were aimed specifically at him. 

immediately noticing how careful Yasmin was being compared to how she was inside the school, Sasha decided to do the same since it wouldn't be all too smart to just blaze through these guys if someone like her wasn't doing so.

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