Chapter 12

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Hiya everyone, it's Mallory here with chapter 12! It's gonna be a short note :) Leave your comments below if you'd like! Fast updating rocks haha xD I had fun writing this chapter so I hope you enjoy! *Gives cookie* *blows kiss* MWAH!

------Niall’s POV------

Everyone has been acting strangely lately. Especially Liam. We have become better friends over the course of the year and whenever he looks at me, his eyes fill with remorse and his smile usually fades. Was it something I had done?

Louis and Zayn also are hiding something. I can always tell when Lou is because he will open his mouth to say something, then shut it over and over again! I wish they’d just tell me. I know Louis and Zayn trust me and if Harry knows, he should trust me too because I have full trust in him. I usually float around, carefree, but this was getting ridiculous.

After contemplating the significance of life at my kitchen table, I realized that I was holding Zouis and chuckled to myself. I guess I forgot to bring her back to Louis and Zayn while they were on their date. I had now had her for two days and they completely forgot! I laughed again and thought, We will just be great parents won’t we?

I picked up my car keys and ran a hand through my hair before jogging to my door. I grabbed the handle and right as I opened it, Louis and Zayn practically fell inside. I jumped out of the way as Zayn faceplanted with a slight oof sound.

“Well hello lads!” I said, laughing. I steadied a wobbling Louis who smiled.

“We weren’t expecting you to open the door at the same time we tried to get in, Nialler,” He said, punching my arm lightly. “Zayn, way to balance yourself. We’ve talked about your clumsiness issue,” Louis joked, putting his hands on his hips.

“Well how about we talk about your problem of not helping me up?” Zayn retorted. I laughed. These two were practically a married couple. Louis made a show of reaching down and helping Zayn up, while also taking his snapback and putting it on his own head.

“So I’m guessing you guys came here for the same reason I was going to leave right?” I asked.

Zayn nodded and said “Zouis. I can’t believe we forgot our own project. Aren’t you doing yours with Eleanor? How is it going?”

I shrugged and said “She’s not fully recovered just yet. She was doing better for a few days, but she was hit with another strand of the flu. She said she could just keep our baby for now while she had plenty of down time to try to recover. Anyway, the project ends soon. Like a week and a half, then we can proceed with normal life and not have to deal with baby shit anymore.”

“That’s not the only shit you’ll have to deal with,” Louis mumbled, just loud enough so I could hear it. Zayn pinched his waist and he flinched. “I mean- yeah. No more babies. No more drama... No more cheating or anything,” Zayn pinched him again and he let out a high pitched squeak. He covered his mouth with his hand and said “That was manly wasn’t it.” while shooting a look at Zayn.

“What do you mean by cheating?” I said sharply. “What are you talking about Lou, you know I can tell when you are hiding something.”

Zayn quickly jumped in and said “Nothing Niall, he’s just trying to scare you is all! We better get going actually we have a... thing! Thank you for taking care of Zouis.”

And with that, he took Louis’ wrist and pulled him out the door. Louis fumbled with Zouis and looked at me, guilt crossing his face. I frowned at him as Zayn pulled him out the door and he mouthed I’m sorry before shutting it, leaving me standing alone in the middle of my hallway.

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