Chapter 1

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You are risking your life, for what? To save the city from some stupid villain?” “Mom I have powers, WINGS at that, this was meant for me, to be a hero to save the villian, maybe I can even redeem him” “oh my poor son you dont Even know how to fly. He's not worth saving” “I'll save him, or I'll kill him. Trust me, mom, I got this” “be careful” He dashed out the door, running over to the danger. “BLADE, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” He asked, looking up at the villain, his black and red wings helping him fly, and he was spitting fire to a specific building. He heard his name and turned around, looking down and sighing. “GO AWAY ALONZO” “DONT MAKE ME COME UP THERE” Blade started laughing. “AND HOW DO YOU PLAN TO GET UP HERE, YOU MIGHT ASWELL BE WINGLESS.” Alonzo growled, his white and gold wings twitching, before sighing. “Okay yeah I can't fly. You always rub that in like I don't already know.” Blade flew down to Alonzo. “Mhm, of course I'm rubbing it in. I love to see the sad look on your face when I hurt your feelings.” Blade put his finger underneath Alonzo's chin, lifting it up to him. “I love to see you cry. It brings me so much pleasure. When you get hurt or mad” he said, laughing afterward. “We're teenagers, Blade. We shouldn't be destroying the world or saving it, you should be in school, maybe we can go to school together? Get an education and a good job. Live life like the normal people, just please, blade. Let me use my water breathe and take out that fire, please? And we can go to school, your 15, maybe you should be living your teenage life like a teenager and not a terrorist”“and your 16. And you still don't get it, do you? I want revenge on the actions that RUINED MY CHILDHOOD.” Blade pushed Alonzo back slightly. “Quitte Alonzo. laissez-moi tuer tous ceux qui m'ont fait du tort. nous a fait du tort.(Leave Alonzo. let me kill everyone who wronged me. has wronged us) ” “Blade.” Blade scoffed. “You don't even try to understand. DON'T YOU WANT TO KILL EVERYONE WHO HURT YOU?? Don't you want revenge? SHOW THEM HOW MEANINGLESS THEIR ACTIONS HAVE BECOME.” “NO BLADE. I DON'T. The past is the past. Let it go. Move on” Blade stepped back. “The hero will be the hero, I guess” he shrugged. “Si vous intervenez, vous brûlerez aussi.(If you intervene, you will burn too.) ” He said before flying back up into the air. Alonzo ran to the building, running in the building, mist coming out of his body, clearing smoke so people could breathe as he got everyone out, Blade didn't notice as he was laughing with his eyes closed, he opened them and saw Alonzo. “Wh- they don't matter anyway-” he said, looking at a window with a man in his 20s trapped under a table. “YOUR GONNA BURN FOR WHAT YOU DID TO ME BROTHER.” he said laughing before blowing a heat wave followed by fire to that window specifically. Alonzo fell back from the heatwave trying to get to the man, his wings surrounding him, spraying water and cold air on his as he made his way to the room, grabbing the table and pulling it off the man. “..ALONZOO” Blade flew into the window and knocked alonzo to the ground, going over to the man and pinning him to the floor, breathing fire in his face, burning him, as the building started to collapse.Blade stopped breathing fire, looking at his brother's burned lifeless face, he grinned before laughing softly and sadistically. Alonzo groaned and sat up, looking around them seeing everything crumbling down, he looked over to Blade, then above him, the ceiling above him was collapsing, coming down on him, “BLADE MOVE” Blade looked over at Alonzo. “Why should I? You want me dead, don't you?” he said laughing. “YOU'LL FINALLY GET WHAT YOU WANT” “BLADE NOW'S NOT THE TIME.” Blade breathed fire at Alonzo. Alonzo used his wings to spray water at him, knocking him out since he's fire, water hurts him. The ceiling came crashing down, Alonzo leaped towards Blade's body, grabbed it and jumped out the window. ‘Okay alonzo. You're in a heap of trouble and falling down an 11-story office building. Just flap your wings and fly. It's not that hard. Blade does it all the time.’ Alonzo thought to himself, trying to move his wings, holding blade close to his stomach. ‘Cmon alonzo if you don't do this, you're gonna die.’ Alonzo tried moving his wings again, but they didn't move. ‘Oh shit-’ AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH” Blade opened his eyes slightly. “You idiot” he whispered before grabbing onto Alonzo's waist, opening his wings and flapping up, very unsteadily. “Blade- you're still hurt from-” “from you splashing water in my face? Yeah. obviously. But you don't know how to use your wings dumbass, why would you just jump out a window?” Blade said, flying a little above ground and dropping Alonzo. ‘Oof-’ “OW” “dumbass.” Blade landed softly on his feet, his wings closing once he landed. Alonzo gets up and leans on a wall, “oww-” A few minutes later, the police arrived at the building. “Oh, well, this is my que.” He goes up to Alonzo and punches his fist next to him, leaving a mark on the wall and pinning Alonzo to the wall.“Oh- that's kinda scary-” “Si jamais tu essaies à nouveau d'interférer avec mes plans. Je vais vous déchirer membre par membre et rendre cela aussi douloureux que possible.(If you ever try to interfere with my plans again. I'm going to tear you limb from limb and make it as painful as possible.)” “Compris- (Understood-)” “Bien. (Good.)” Blade moved his hand and scoffed before his wings spreaded out, as he flapped them and flew away. Alonzo sighed and went home, opening the door and seeing his mom look over to him. “HONEY YOUR WINGS ARE BURNT WHAT HAPPENED? Oh your face is all beat up, and your hair is all messy.” “I'm fine mom- good thing it's summer break yeah?” “mhm, go get washed up for dinner okay? There's bandages if you need some ""thanks mom” Alonzo went upstairs to his room and in his bathroom, closing and locking the door to take a shower…

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