💫Info about my Oc✨

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(Any art in this story, is not mine)

Name: Mercury
Last name: Ichika
H/c: long brown hair with short bangs (if you have short hair then do that) Fun Fact: since Mercury has long hair, he puts it in a half-messy bun.
E/c: royal blue eyes
Age: 13years old (+50years)

Sweet, smart, childish, loves adventures, loves talking with friends, likes to draw, is bad at cooking

          Friends, books, adventures, drawing, learning something new, games

               Friends, fighting, yelling, books, fire, being told "no"

Favorite snack/drink:
                                       Baked snacks (such as sweet bread, cakes, cookies, etc. anything baked) and loves to drink anything with sugar inside of it (if not then he'll throw it away)

Anyway that's all I have to tell you enjoy the story!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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