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[Douma POV]

I continued to hear my followers, like always... A smile never leaving my face. I've got to admit.. I'm terribly tired right now. Even after centuries.. Is it because of her?

I made a fake sigh, sitting down properly. Dammit.. I can't think straight.



I started to walk around The Temple, inspecting if there were any windows or doors I could escape in.

Dammit.. I can't find anything!!

I sighed, looking around. I continued to walk for a few more minutes, immediately noticing the bathroom.. ..What if I jump in—

Just then, I could hear a sound coming from a room. I flinched, looking around. AH SHI- IS IT HIM?? DOES HE KNOW ABOUT MY PLAN??

Fortunately for me, I made my assumptions too quick. It wasn't Douma, nor a human actually. It was....

A cat?

I quickly grabbed the cat, amazed at it as I started to squeal "Aw, YOU'RE JUST THE CUTEST THING HERE!" I hugged it tightly, the cat looking at me confused.

My eyes suddenly widened in realization. ..How did the Cat get in?

I looked back at the cat, and then at the area we both were in. My eyes then immediately widened as I realized.

OF COURSE! THE ROOF— WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT?? (Note: (Y/N) is not the smartest when it comes to finding exits. Apologies if offensive.)

I quickly placed the cat back onto the ground, thinking for a bit. I then noticed a small window, that couldn't fit a human.. but an Animal. I quickly ran towards it, groaning as I tried to get passed it. Dammit.. It's too small for me. Maybe there's another exit that involves the roof? Just maybe..

I continued to search for an exit in order to get to the roof. To my surprise.. I did find one eventually. Buttttt..... Unfortunately for me..

..It had to be near Douma's room??? DAMMIT FOR— I sighed, quickly controlling myself. Relax, (Y/N).. You have to be smarter than this. Maybe it won't be so bad.

I sighed in relief, starting to walk towards his room door. I didn't know if he was in there or not, but I was fine with it as long as he didn't hear me.

I started to tippy-toe on the rough, wood floor.. Hoping it wouldn't make a sound. Please let this work, please let this work..

I sighed in relief once I got to the other side, flinching slightly. Dammit.. I need to stop making noises. I hurriedly got back to what I was doing, running towards the window he head on his side of the area.

Mm.. Maybe he knows people would try to escape.. Guess he's smarter than I thought. Well.. He is Uppermoon Two.

I continued to think, quickly snapping out of it. I started to open the window slowly, hoping he still didn't hear me if he was in the room.

Well.. I am making too much noise- He's probably still busy with his followers.

I sighed contently, starting to open the window fully. Victory!

I started to go past it slowly, my body moving to the outside. I smiled, confident that my plan worked. I then turned back to see the forest that was surrounding The Temple, wondering if I could escape. I thought for a bit, knowing it wouldn't exactly be impossible.. But it wouldn't be easy.


[Author POV]


(Y/N) sighed in relief, stretching her arms as she finally climbed up the roof.

She started to think for a bit, crossing her arms as she looked around.

...Alright, Now.. what am I supposed to do? Wave my hands in the air so someone will come rescue me-? ....AH SHIT I FORGOT HELICOPTERS DON'T EXIST IN THE TAISHO ERA. WHAT DA FU—

As (Y/N) started to think about her plan, (Since she didn't have one in the beginning.) Soft, content voices started to be more clearer. Her eyes quickly widened, immediately hiding on the roof. She narrowed her eyes, taking a closer view on what was happening.

"..Can you believe it?? The Kanda Matsuri (Festival) is arriving!" A woman with a black haired messy bun started to speak.

"I know! Can you believe it?? I've been waiting months for this! It really is an important thing here!" A woman with grey-whitish hair on a ponytail responded.

The Two Women continued their talk, their voices slowly starting to fade as (Y/N) blinked several times.

..The.. Kanda what now? ! OHHHHH— I THINK I LEARNED IT ON MY HISTORY CLASS- Damn, I should've been paying more attention wtf. The teacher did say she went to the festival.. I believe she said something about the culture and places. . . DAMMIT LIFE WHY DIDN'T I PAY ATTENTION WHEN THEY WERE TALKING ABOUT JAPAN???

(Y/N) sighed angrily, wondering what to do now. She didn't know whether to go into the festival undercover.. Or to just try to go home.

After a few moments, she finally decided. She sighed to herself, rubbing the back of her neck. Well.. I do want to see the Festival. Besides, I don't even know if I will be able to go home. Not saying that I don't want to, though.

She shaked her head, already confused with herself. She decided not to think anymore since it would most likely hurt her braincells.

Man fuck it, I ain't wasting more braincells.

She thought, narrowing her eyes as she let a sigh out. She started to walk away, immediately slipping. WHAT THE HE—

She immediately stopped herself, her eyes closed tightly. She started to open them once more, her eyes widening while blinking several times.

...Shit. I forgot I was still stuck in this fucking roof. . . . I need a better plan for next time.

Can You Change? [Douma x Modern°Reader]Where stories live. Discover now