[Royal Family] Iruma's Partners

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The ship contains Iruma x Azz x Clara x Ameri, if you don't like that ship you don't have to read the chapter.
(I wanted to add more scenes but I couldn't because I could think of anything, it's annoying to me)

Everything seemed quite tense in the Sullivan household, Sullivan, Opera, and even Poro are looking rather intimidating while Delkira on the other hand is just chilling, "They sure are quite serious" he thought, he understands though, I mean, Iruma's partners is about to come.

3 weeks ago they were having dinner, the trio was talking while Iruma as usual was devouring the food then suddenly he remembered something and raised his hand, Sullivan noticed and asked Iruma what it was, Poro and Delkira also stopped talking to listen, Iruma swallowed his food before telling them he was seeing people, not someone, people. This made the trio stiffen even Opera who was pouring tea for them, with the tea overflowing the cups.

"I'm sorry?" Poro asked, he wasn't sure if he was hearing that right, his son, In a relationship? "I'm seeing people, I'm in a relationship" Iruma replied shyly, this shocked everyone except Delkira who was only surprised about it but seemed to be happy, "Well! I wasn't expecting that, didn't know you'd pulled two people," he said, patting Iruma. Iruma shook his head, "3 to be exact" that brought Delkira to shock though the other 3 seemed to be even more shocked than before.

"Three?" Delkira asked, Iruma nodded. Delkira asked who they were and if they could at least meet them, Iruma didn't tell them who they were but told them that they were planning to come to his house and have a talk with them, "Oh? They're already planning to come here? When are they gonna come?" "In about 3 weeks...they're very nervous to come and talk to you guys actually...they wanted to prepare themselves before they meet you guys" "Ohh...I guess we'll also prepare ourselves," Delkira looked at the time and it was already getting late so he told Iruma to go to his room and sleep as he had school tomorrow, Iruma did what he was told and said goodnight before going to sleep.

When Iruma left, Delkira sighed and looked at the 3 who were still shocked, Sullivan was looking intimidating, Poro seemed to be having a deep thought, and Opera was still in the same position pouring tea except the tea already run out and the cup was now overflowing and it already stained the floor, Delkira asked if they were doing alright and received no answer, "I guess they're still shocked about it" he thought.

That was 3 weeks ago, currently, it was the day they were supposed to meet Iruma's partners, of course, the 3 were looking intimidating, "Hey now...can't you guys look at least casual? You're gonna scare them" said by Delkira, he understands how protective they can be but if they're being too much protective Iruma's not gonna like it, "We understand Del-chan, we understand, we'll talk to them calmly and we will warn them of what would happen if they break my son's heart" Poro replied, he said that but, giving the tone of his voice there wasn't any calm in it.

The door opened and everyone looked over, it was Iruma who just come home from school though supposedly he brought over his partners, they (except Delkira) looked intimidated at first before looking surprised because the demons Iruma brought over were, Alice Asmodeus, Ameri Azazel, and Clara Valac.

They let out a "Hm?" before one of them asked if they were his partners, Iruma said yes. Iruma looked at his partners gesturing to come in and have a sit, they may seem calm but the adults could tell that they were nervous well except Valac who seemed very calm but excited they could see it from her face.

And so here they are, facing Iruma's partners. Asmodeus and Azazel were avoiding eye contact while Valac was just smiling happily, Iruma spoke breaking the silence in the room and introducing them, and Asmodeus and Azazel bowed and greeted them respectfully, Valac just tried copying them. "Well, this...is quite surprising, I could've expected any demon but I never would've expected you guys, well, I did expect his two friends but not you Azazel" Poro commented, the adults nodded at what Poro said.

Delkira asked how long they had been dating Iruma and Asmodeus replied that they had been dating him for over a year which surprised them, they'd already been dating Iruma for over a year yet somehow they hadn't noticed it or known about it. "We thought we should formally meet you all to talk about our relationship," said Asmodeus, the adults were silent for a bit before Poro told them that they appreciated that they've thought about it.

Poro asked how they ended up together, and Delkira asked which one of them confessed to Iruma first, the youngsters seemed to be embarrassed which made the adults wonder then Iruma told them that all three of them confessed at the same time under the blossom tree. "All three of them?" Opera asked, Iruma nodded. "Although I and Stupid Clara already knew we both liked Iruma-sama, I didn't expect President to also have feelings towards Iruma-sama," said Asmodeus, and Valac added more "Well I already knew Makka-chan loves Iruma-chi" "How?" Asmodeus asked.

Valac gave a look of confusion before asking Asmodeus if he didn't notice how close they would sometimes get, this confused Asmodeus and Azazel going a bit red. Valac explained that she and Iruma would always be alone with each other sometimes at specific hours and she always saw Iruma reading something for her and she didn't know what but there were pictures in the book, she said they always looked lovely-dovely whenever they were alone which makes her jealous.

Asmodeus was surprised by the information he was receiving and looked over at Azazel because he wanted to confirm if it was true and he saw Azazel looking extremely red with both hands covering her face and Iruma patting her back, I guess he didn't have to ask to confirm it anymore, Valac went over to Azazel to also give her patting as Iruma does.

The adults were just listening and looking at them, they weren't expecting Iruma's partners would be them but they thought they were much more of a better fit than the others so, they gave their approval.

"By the way..." they looked at Opera, "Do your parents know about your relationship?" they asked, "Mother hasn't known about it yet, neither has Mr. Azazel, but Valac over here already told them," said Asmodeus looking at Valac who was smiling at them, Valac told them her family is waiting for them to come to visit. Sullivan commented that Asmodeus's mother would accept the relationship but he's not sure about Azazel's, because Azazel Henri seems to be quite protective of his daughter and for some reason, he doesn't like Iruma.

The meeting was over and Iruma left with his partners because he wanted to escort them to their houses and the adults were the only ones in the house. Sullivan is currently an egg, crying on the couch because his grandson is growing up already and Opera is just comforting the crying Sullivan.

Poro is just lying on Delkira and Delkira is holding Poro, "How come we didn't notice that he was in a relationship" Poro asked, he was still quite a bit shocked by it, "Well~ maybe we weren't taking noticed, he didn't seem like he was hiding it was he?" Delkira responds, chuckling a little. "Hmm...our child is quite the charmer huh, Del-chan? I wasn't expecting to know that he had 3 partners, unexpectedly, it's one of the 13 Crowns kids" "Me neither, well I did expect Asmodeus and Valac but not Azazel" "I could say the same"

It was quiet for a bit before Poro commented that he was not ready to attend his child's wedding to which Delkira laughed off, Sullivan was still crying and Opera was still comforting him.

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