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Samantha Wilson was having a good day, one of those days when you feel as if everything is right in the world, where you feel as if nothing could possibly go wrong.

She was currently curled up in bed with her fiancé, one James Buchanan Barnes. The couple had been dating for the past four years and been engaged for a month. Sam felt completely content lying there in her lover's warm embrace. Those were her last thoughts before she drifted off to sleep.

Looking back, she should have probably expected something to happen; after all, it's very rare for her life to be drama-free, or any other demigod's life for that matter.

When Samantha woke up, she tried to pull up the nonexistent blankets over her chilled body. When she wasn't getting any warmer, she groggily sat up from her position on the ground, finally realizing she was no longer in bed. She stood up, taking a defensive position, trying to gauge what was happening.

After a few seconds of looking around, her whole body tensed up, finally recognizing her location: Olympus, home of the gods. She looked around in disbelief; she never thought she'd be back.

She began to internally panic, the place bringing back unwanted memories from the past. Still deep in thought, she noticed the two groups of people lying on the ground, causing the amount of panic in her body to rise expeditiously.

The Avengers, gods, and demigods were all lying on the ground unconscious. She looked at two members of one group in particular, Tony Stark and Natasha Romanoff. The two Avengers were supposed to be dead, and yet here they were, lying on the ground unconscious, but alive nonetheless.

Sam didn't know Tony Stark very well, but she did respect him for his sacrifice despite their differences of opinions during the Avengers' Civil War. She did, however, know Natasha Romanoff. She had gotten to know the woman very well during their time on the run. Her death probably hurt her the most.

Turning her attention to the second group, she felt the bile rise in her throat. This couldn't be happening. She left the godly world all those years ago for a reason; this was all too much.

Samantha couldn't help but think about what would happen when they all woke up. Surely, her friends would hate her for leaving without so much as a warning, and the gods would definitely be furious at their precious savior of Olympus for running away like a coward, refusing to fight in any more battles on their behalf.

She began to imagine what would happen more and more, the different horrific outcomes flooding her brain like the tide flooding the shore. A deep sense of dread filled her body as she began to spiral.

She was snapped out of her thoughts by a familiar voice. "Sam? Is that you, doll?" "Thank God you're awake," Samantha said, running to him, wrapping her arms around him. The pair of lovers pulled away before looking over each other for injuries, both trying to make sure the other was okay.

The small reunion was cut short by the other two groups waking up. The demigods and Avengers all pulled out their weapons, ready for a fight, while the gods stood confused. Zeus, ever the drama queen, was the first to speak up.

"WHO DARE SUMMON ME I-!" The angry god was cut off by a golden portal opening, and a man in a red cape stepped out. Instantly, the Avengers and demigods turned to him, pointing their weapons ready to attack.

"No need to be alarmed, I mean you all no harm. I'm Doctor Stephen Strange, the one who brought you here." At that statement, most of the people in the room became a bit more relaxed.

"I've brought you all here to watch the life of someone you all know very well," Steve spoke up for the first time, causing Bucky to look at his old friend with a melancholic smile. "Persephone Jackson."

All the demigods looked around in disbelief. After a bit, they finally noticed her. They didn't even have a chance to speak because of Tony Stark beating them to it.

"Look, Hermione, I think you got the wrong people." Strange rolled his eyes at the nickname but responded nonetheless. "I can assure you, Stark, I got the right people. Some of you may know her though as Samantha Wilson or Sam."

"Shit," Sam breathed out, causing her fiancé to look at her curiously.

"Well, this is going to be interesting," Clint sniggered, enjoying the drama, causing Natasha to hit him discreetly on the back of his head.

Strange waved his hand, creating a large screen and several couches and lounge chairs. "Food, bathrooms, and sleeping arrangements will be provided. No fighting," Stephen said simply before opening a portal and leaving without another word.

Before anyone could say anything or even react in general, the screen lit up. Everyone sat down and looked at the screen in anticipation.

Samantha let out a small sigh, knowing all the secrets she had worked so hard to keep hidden over the years were about to be revealed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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