Chapter Twelve

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We were still at the Cullen's house, Jasper had taken one of the vials I brought and was somewhat back to calm mode. 

Once I finished my task of delivering the stuff to Carlisle, Emmett herded me into the living room and threw a game controller at me. So we sat on the couch side by side, playing a random game which I was obviously winning. 

Alice, Jasper and a calmed down Rose sat around us, just hanging out. 

Esme and Carlisle were in the living looking out the window, Esme was smiling, I could read her mind knowing she was listening to Edward's laughter and found myself a little happy.

I didn't pay attention to the conversation because I knew that it was a couple moment. 

"Oh man, this sucks." I heard him tell me and smirked at him.

"Don't be a sore loser." I retorted.

"You're cheating." He exclaimed. "You have to be, some kind of cheaters, cheating spell that allows you to cheat." 

"That would fall into the category of personal gain." I told him rolling my eyes in amusement. 

"Speaking of games, I saw that there's going to be a storm rolling in... a big one." Alice said drawing my attention. 

I smiled big. 

"Does that mean what I think it does?" I asked raising an eyebrow. 

She grinned nodding making me grin. 

The tv screen flashed I was the winner. 

"I demand a rematch!" He told me throwing his remote down making me chuckle.

"You're on." I told him shrugging before I caught sight of the large grandfather clock seeing the time and sighed. "But I can't, Bella and I have to get going, it's diner night and if we aren't there Charlie will be worried, he'll get suspicious and that's the last thing I need right now." 

He sighed in disappointment but nodded, I glanced upwards.

'Edward Bella and I have to go, are you back yet? We have to get home.

"We're here."

I heard him tell me and turned spotting the two coming into the room, I stood up. Bella had a frown on her face.

"Sorry I hate cutting this short but Charlie's expecting us at the diner." I told her gently. "We're already a few minutes late." 

She sighed, nodding. 

I gave hugs and goodbyes to everyone, before heading to the jeep.

Edward stood by the front door watching us leave.

We got into the jeep, and I started backing out.

We made small talk and drove off. 


Once home, we went in and got changed before getting back into the jeep and headed over to the diner.

Getting out, Bella came to my side and we walked together.

I spotted Mike walking over to us, with a large smile on his face his basketball teammates watching. I saw the look on his face and knew he was going to be pigheaded today. 

"Yo Elena! Arizona! What's happening?" 

"Just meeting Charlie for the usual Saturday dinner night." I told him smiling politely reminding myself Mike was one of my friends. 

We tried to walk around him to get inside but Mike blocked our path, making me look at him firmly. 

"So you and Cullen huh?" Mike asked scratching his head.

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