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Picture : Emma


Two years later...

I graduated last year...and got a scholarship to the best art school. Nive graduated too and went to the same school as me. And yes we are still a couple. An artistic couple. I think we are at the stage Ruth and Fraido were when they were 18 and 19. So you never know...maybe we'll have our own baby. Now Ruth 21 and a famous model and Fraido 22 and an all star soccer player . Emma is 2 years old...and loves playing hid n seek with me. She's also got the basic words down. Like Mama, Dada, no, yes...and my favorite Mik-ka. Okay. So she can't say it fully yet, but she broke it two...I'd say she's half way there.

I'd never think life would become so amazing. Today I was headed to Ruth's. I had a present for little Emma, who seemed to be a pretty good artist herself. She loved crayons, markers and of course...finger paint. So I got her a new set of each. I rang the doorbell and one of their butlers opened the door for me. He spoke elegantly and said "ah Mikka, how nice to see you. Do come in." I thanked him and walked inside. Ruth walked out of the living and smiled as she saw me. I ran to hug my big sister. She looked so beautiful as always. She explained that Fraido was in Italy for his next game. We both upstairs to Emma room. She had on a little midnight blue button up dress and little white socks. She also had her brown hair in two little buns She busy playing blocks. Then Ruth said "Em, look who's here."

Her little brown eyes looked up at me and I saw her face light up as she recognized me. Emma got up and ran to hug me. She was hugging my legs so I lifted her to hold her. The only proper sentence she could muster for me was "yay aunt Mik-ka, teeeheee!" I smiled at her adorable little voice. Oh ya I wouldn't mind being a mom if it meant enjoying little moments like this. Soon after I put her back down on het carpet floor. Then I crouched down and joined her level of view. I took off my bag and said "Em, I got a present for you"

"Yay!" Emma said happily clapping her little hands. I smiled as I took out the box of crayons and markers and finger paint jars. She looked so surprised, I swear she got that look grime her mom. Even Ruth was happy for her. Then Ruth said the motherly thing "Emma, what do we say?" As soon Ruth said that Emma looked back up at me and ran and hugged me again. This time we were already at the same level so I just opened my arms and held her. She even figured out how to sweetly say in that adorable little baby voice hers "Thank you....Mik-ka."

That was adorable and I think Ruth video taped it on her phone. After that I stayed for awhile and painted pictures with Emma. Then when it was time for me to go, Emma really wanted me to stay. But I needed to go... I had class tomorrow morning. It made Emma cry...and to tell the truth I hated making her cry. I ended up leaving watching cry in her monk's arms. I put on my helmet and got onto my motorcycle. The drive to my house is a bit long. But it was nice to have a sunset drive. Nive and I live together in a big house my parents bought. Once I got home, I went upstairs and into the bedroom. Nive was sitting up shirtless on our bed.

He looked up at me and asked "so how'd it go?"

"Great as usual"

"She didn't want you to go?"

"I hate making that little girl cry" I said walking over to our bed. I got onto the bed and sat next to Nive. He his arm around me and kissed my forehead. Though at this age...when does it really stop there? His lips were deeply on mine and our tongues in total cinque. Soon our bodies were against each others. I mean we didn't even go under the sheets anymore. Even though we slept that night. The next morning I felt sick. The days that followed I felt just as bad. And when my period didn't come this month...something was really up. I started having cravings for foods I hated like...grapefruit. Different scents seemed really strong for me...and some were things I used to be fine with. Then when I finally gave in and got the test. I was a little shocked by the answer. It was positive. Not the good positive. The bad positive. Oh fuck. I was pregnant.

Writer's note : Alright readers. I hope you liked this little Epilogue. Read NEW book! :)

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