Sad Boy Hours

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Request: no

Pairing: Eijiro Kirishima X Reader(fem)

Warnings: skimpy clothes

Title: "Our sad boy hours"

Made by: They_Love_Snacks

Written by my friend M. Bless her soul. She's such a Kiri simp.

(For context, it's around Christmas and you live in an apartment with Eijiro)

It was a damn long day at the bakery you ran, unusually slow and bleak. But, It gave you time to think of a way to spoil your boyfriend on Christmas. Your boyfriend, Eijiro, was always busy with pro-hero work. Whether it was him saving people or fighting or just doing paperwork, he was busy and usually just cuddled you when he got home. He always fell asleep while holding you, always just so tired.

So when he told you he (somehow) got the week of Christmas off, through the new year, you immediately got excited and started planning something for him. You loved him and his cuddles, but you wanted more than that sometimes, but didn't want to bother your tired man with it.

So when Christmas rolled around, you woke up early and made breakfast before enacting your plan. You shut all the windows and dimmed the lights, leaving the tree on with its warm lights to set the mood. After that, you managed to tie yourself up, wearing nothing but the skimpy red lace set to match the ribbon you got. You knew he'd be up soon and would, hopefully, take the hint you were giving.

You stayed there until he woke up, staggering into the kitchen and smiling lightly at the food you made. He saw you move out of the corner of his eye, you could know he saw you by the slight smile that turned into a smirk.

"Where oh where could my lovely girlfriend be on this equally lovely morning?" He said, sighing playfully and sitting down at the kitchen island. "Surely, she's not under the tree and waiting for me? That would be utterly ridiculous." You let out a muffled giggle, a smile breaking out on your face.

"Come in here and find out, Sharky." You called out, shifting slightly in the ribbons and hoping your legs didn't go numb before anything started. "Oh? What's this I hear? A voice in the wind beckoning me to find my girl? Then find her I must!" He declared, grabbing a buttered-up piece of toast and starting to eat it as he walked into the living room.

He quickly choked on the bite he was chewing when he saw you, tied up and wearing next to nothing. The bright red that now covered his face was the same that you used for the ribbon. "...oh my good god, Pebble." He whispered, still holding the piece of bread in his hand. It was quickly forgotten on a nearby table as he walked towards you, tears quickly forming in his eyes

You knew something was wrong. You knew that this was somehow a mistake. "Eijiro?" You said softly, undoing the ribbon with a simple tug to the knot at your hands, immediately standing up and holding his face in your hands. Concern and care were the only things on your face and in your eyes.

"Hey, talk to me. What's wrong?" You knew his happy tears and you knew his sad tears. These were sad tears, you could tell. He put his hands on top of yours, the tears starting to fall. He tried to manage a smile as he said softly "Nothing, I promise." "Bullshit, I know you. This isn't nothing." You said, your thumbs gently stroking the sides of his face. He stayed quiet for a solid minute, his voice breaking a bit when he finally did speak. "I just thought of something I didn't like too much."

"Then talk to me so you don't have to not like it alone." You said softly, still looking up at him with that same concern. He stays quiet for a moment before saying quietly "I've had nightmares about you getting kidnapped by some random villain, usually I find you tied up and crying and I wake up."

Your eyes softened at his confession. It had been a long time since you had seen him so distraught, so you knew this was nothing to joke about. "Eijiro... why didn't you tell me? We could've talked about it before something like this happened. You can't expect to always be the one to talk to, giving out reassurance and guidance, without receiving anything back."

"I didn't want to trouble you with it, it's my-" You cut him off " Don't you dare say it's your problem. It is our problem. We are a couple, we tell each other things. We don't keep things like that, especially like that, to ourselves. Okay?" He nodded, a genuine smile breaking out on his face through his tears. "Okay, yeah. I'll try to be more open. Promise." He said, leaning his head into your hands.

"Good, now let's make some hot chocolate and eat before we open our gifts." You said, getting up on your tippy toes and leaning his head down so you could kiss his forehead. After that, you pulled on a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie that you'd hidden nearby, just to keep yourself warm.

"Whatever you say, Pebble." He says softly, trying not to disturb the newfound peace he had found with you. "Is that the hoodie I've been looking for? For weeks?" He said, seeming playfully offended. "Yes, and it looks better on me." You said with a stupid grin on your face, then adding. "Are we done with our sad boy hours?"

He nodded, saying with a soft smile "Yeah, for now. Let's make that hot chocolate you were talking about. And eat. Feelings make me hungry." 

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