
13 0 0

Request: no

Pairing: anyone X Reader, platonic, of course

Warnings: bakugo being a bitch

Title: "Personal"

You and Bakugo were always at each other's necks.


You hated him, he hated you.


It wasn't even like a Deku situation where he pretended to hate you.


He HATED you.


And one night the majority of the class was playing "Never Have I Ever" in a big circle in the common room.


The seating arrangements went:



You were, of course, across from Bakugo.


"Never have I ever...snuck a boy in through my window EVEN THOUGH Aizawa wouldn't have cared anyways," Mina started, giggling.


"IT WAS ONE TIME!" Kyoka shouted, face flushed.


The group collectively laughed as the turns went on until they started to get more and more personal.


When it was Bakugo's turn, everything took a turn for the worst.


He smirked directly at you from across the circle, and said,


"Never have I ever lost control of my quirk and put myself in the hospital for months, falling behind everyone in the class."


The scars on your neck and arms showed the remnants of the attack.


Everyone stared at him in shock.


Your eyes started to water as your lip shook, trying to bite back a sob.


You abruptly stood up, grabbed your half full drink and walked over to Bakugo.


You crouched down in front of him with the drink in your hand and took your turn early.


"Never have I ever been the one individual whose fault it was that the Symbol of Peace is no longer in commision."


As his eyes widen you smile and pour the heavily colored fruit punch all over his head and stand up.


With the empty cup in hand you make your way to the stairs, and turn around, looking Bakugo directly in the eye.


"Seems I've struck a nerve,"


You reel your arm back and throw it as hard as you could, hitting the top of Bakugo's head harshly as it faces towards the ground in shame.


"Goodnight, everyone."


You walk upstairs.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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