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Twentieth May Nineteen Ninety

"The child has been abused his entire life, your Honor. As you can see from the police report and forensic report; the child was living in the cupboard under the stairs and the amount of blood residue found was off the charts! Also, with the way the Dursleys were murdered, considering the amount of physical damage done to them, I have a medical and a physics report detailing all the reasons you need to prove why it is, in fact, impossible for my client to have committed the crime."

Harry was bored. The men in the funny robes talked too much. He understood one of them was defending his actions but Harry didn't want to be defended. He was proud of what he had done. He didn't understand why people wanted him to keep quiet and say nothing. They gave him chocolates and ice creams in abundance so he obeyed them. It wasn't like anything they said or did would affect him. He had the void. At present, he was making the void stir up a wind in the hot and fully packed Courtroom.

He turned his head lazily looking around and spotted a tearful Dudley on the other side of the room. A man in a suit holding his hand.

"We have a confession your Honor! The boy admits to having killed his Aunt and Uncle who did nothing but give him shelter after his own parents died in a car crash."

"Shelter where systematic abuse took place? Have you forgotten the nonchalant way Mr Dudley spoke of the punishments my client endured?!"

"The medical reports say the exact opposite! The boy is in good health. If on the tiny side. He has no broken bones, no scars except the one on his forehead which he got in the car crash!"

"Are you forgetting the room," the man defending Harry sneered. "The room full of blood. Full of his DNA. Scratches in the wall. One blanket. One cot. A corner full of his wastes! A lock on the door? You call that nothing?!

"Your Honour! I plead for this case to be dismissed and my client be given the care he so desperately requires!"

Harry played with the void. Nobody could see it except for him. It was almost invisible except for the distortion of space when he drew it out of his body. He made shapes out of it and giggled when it touched the defender making him jump.

The defender looked around, saw nothing and turned back to the judge.

Both men started shouting and murmurs began to grow from the crowd who had come to watch the trial of the boy who had committed the horrific murder of his relatives.

The Judge banged his hammer and shouted for Order.

"The Court will take a 10-minute break while the Jury makes a decision."

Harry yawned. He let himself float into the void. It was no longer a place of retreat. It was a home. No senses. Only peace and absolute silence.

His mind drifted back to the past, the few moments in Privet Drive that had truly fascinated him. It was a Sunday and he was dusting all the curios and photo frames that were carefully positioned all around the living room and a movie was playing on the telly. There was a man on a horse laughing while another man staggered under the force of a brutal heat in the desert. He was fascinated. The man on the horse held such power over the other and when he mockingly offered a drop of water, the half dead man glared with such defiance and it made Harry feel like he was looking in a mirror. At that moment Harry knew, he knew the half dead man had what it took to survive! He tried to recall all the little bits of images he had of the man. Blonde hair, blue eyes, withered skin...

Suddenly the window in the void called for his presence.

"Harry James Potter," said the judge sternly.

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