⚠️C H A P T E R T W E N T Y T H R E E⚠️

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This chapter includes smut! I will put a warning at the start of the smut! Otherwise enjoy the chapter!


<Reaper's Pov>

I was stunned. Geno had his.. Wings back. It really was his Geno.. His little gen gen he always knew, it seemed like even his memories returned.
Which was great but at the same time not.

I was probably in my thoughts too long before ink nudged me. I quickly snapped out of it before looking over at him, he seemed to be confused and surprised as well.

"Are you alright reaper?. "
Ink asked as he gently placed his hand on my arm with worry.

"Yes I'm alright ink.. Nothing to worry about.. "
I sighed before looking the way Geno had flew away, I guess I hoped he would have came back.. But it didn't seem that way. He won't return.. Not now.

"Maybe you should go after him. "

I widened my eye sockets before staring down at the small retired king
"What? Why. He clearly doesn't want to see me not you. "

"He was scared. And shocked. First Raven's instincts are to flee. What did you expect? "

I sighed and lowered down my wings realizing how Geno must have felt.. Overwhelmed with all the memories.. The new discovery.. It wasn't easy for him.

"Maybe I should.. Check if he's alright. "

"Yeah I would recommend that.. Plus I need to get pallete back to your castle.. Since he still needs treatment on his arm.. sci should fix it easily. "

Said ink who only smiled or well tried to, while holding sleeping pallete in his arms.
I stared at the kid before nodding in approval. Ink quickly opened his wings afterwards and flew up into the air while carrying small pallete and in no time the two dissapearead from the view.

I quickly turned my attention to the way Geno has flew away to.
I spread my Pitch black wings apart before flying up with a quite fast speed.
I quickly started flying the way Geno has went to, quite worried about his health since his wings condition isn't the best st the moment. It never was..

Flying above all the trees.. All the beauty I remember from childhood. It's just the way it was when me and Geno used to come here.

I was dumb enough to get lost in my own mind as I almost flew into a taller tree. How embarrassing. But then I quickly noticed where I was. I slowly flew down to the forest below me and lowered my wings as they touched the soft grass under my feet.
I feld the presence of the one I was looking for but couldn't see him quite yet.

I started slowly walking between the trees of the forest before stopping at some points noticing the one he's been looking for.
His Geno, who was sitting at the edge of the cliff watching the beautiful waterfall in front of him while watching the wild below him and staring at the beautiful sparkly lake.

I stare at his lowered beautiful wings that seemed injured.. But they really weren't. It was the past scars..
I started to slowly approach the smaller white Raven before suddenly hearing his soft voice speak up.

"We're you aware.. Of all this. "

I froze in place in an instant. He wasn't looking at me, just blindly staring at the lake before letting out a sigh and letting me approach.
I started down at his back before letting out a sigh of my own.
I was about to speak up with my voice but the other's voice spoke up first making me quiet down in an instant.

"Did you knew about all of this. "
Said the smaller White Raven before touching softly one of his number wings lying behind him before looking up to me.

The Black Raven. [ AfterDeath ] fanfic???Where stories live. Discover now