Chapter 12

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Bernice's POV

'They're so cute... but one thing bothers me... why was I never told... did they want to hide it from me forever or was it something else... were they keeping me safe from this to prevent it from happening... doesn't matter when dad is better, I will ask him...'

Watching mother and father cuddle together on the couch I got to doing the dishes. Shortly after 10 minutes or so I hear mother talking from the lounge room.

"Well, I best be off I have a lot of errands to run today I don't want to do them later and it gets too late. I might be an hour or so."

Watching mother put on her shoes, grabbing her bag and her shopping list she kisses father on the cheek and kisses my forehead. As I watch her leave and I finish what I was doing I walk over to father and take a seat on the couch next to him.

"Dad... I have a few questions regarding... Leo..."

I glance towards father who is letting out a sigh while rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"Ask away my dear... what makes your mind so curious?"

Becoming a bit nervous, I let out a hesitant sigh and scratch the back of my neck.

"You said that... what ever happened to Leo... it also happened with you... what did you mean by that?"

Hearing a sigh from father, I keep my head down.

"Well... it's not a good memory to go back to but I did promise to tell you one day... you mother barely knows the story herself."

I hear him chuckle softly, softly holding my hands in comfort.

"How did you get mum back?..."

I ask with the sound of worry peeking through my voice, I was close to the break of tears remembering that day Leo had just vanished into thin air.

"I had to pull a few hard strings to get her back... trust me... back then people thought that I was crazy and nearly put me into a mental hospital... but they stopped when I told them what actually happened..."

Squeezing his hand slightly, I could hear the sadness through the tone of his voice as he spoke.4

"I came to realise that I wasn't the only one with this issue... it's very secreted now, but there's this dark magic that is lurking around our neighbourhood... there's a dark place just like this where all our loving memories become bad..."

"But why?... who would do such a cruel thing?..."

Father let out a deep sigh.

"I've tried to do my research, but nothing comes up... when your mother landed in that bad place, I had to somehow force myself to go into that void to bring her back... I'm glad I was able to... it's not very easy to get out of..."

When father was about to continue, mother had come back from running her errands.

"Back already dear?"

Father asked, softly walking towards her and planting a kiss on her head.

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