The Heart's Captain

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In the bustling corridors of the college campus, Shubman Gill was known as the quintessential bad boy – aloof, mysterious, and with a reputation that preceded him. But there was one person who saw beyond the facade, who knew the tender heart beneath the tough exterior – Ishan Kishan, the sweetheart of the college.

To the rest of the world, Shubman was the epitome of indifference, his icy gaze enough to send shivers down anyone's spine. But when it came to Ishan, he was nothing short of a devoted, loving boyfriend, his affection as warm as the summer sun.

"Hey there, my sunshine," Shubman would greet Ishan with a soft smile, his eyes lighting up at the sight of his beloved. Ishan would blush at the endearing nickname, his heart swelling with love for the rugged boy who had captured his heart.

Their conversations were filled with laughter and affection, with Shubman showering Ishan with compliments and sweet nothings that melted his heart. "You're my everything, Ishu," Shubman would whisper, his voice soft and tender as he pressed a kiss to Ishan's forehead, making him feel like the most cherished person in the world.

But despite his gentle demeanor with Ishan, Shubman's protective instincts were always on high alert. He couldn't stand to see anyone so much as look at Ishan the wrong way, his possessiveness flaring up like a raging fire.

"Hey, watch where you're going!" Shubman would growl, his voice low and menacing, as he stepped in front of Ishan to shield him from any potential harm. His steely glare was enough to send even the most brazen of troublemakers scurrying away in fear.

Yet, despite his tough exterior, Shubman's love for Ishan knew no bounds. He would go to great lengths to make Ishan happy, whether it was surprising him with his favorite snacks or whisking him away on impromptu adventures that left Ishan breathless with joy.

And as they walked hand in hand through the college campus, Shubman's arm wrapped protectively around Ishan's shoulders, it was clear to everyone who saw them that behind the mask of the bad boy lay the heart of a devoted and loving boyfriend, whose world revolved around the sweet, sunshine-filled presence of his beloved Ishu.

As they strolled through the campus, whispers followed in their wake, the contrast between Shubman's tough exterior and his tender affection for Ishan a topic of much speculation among their peers.

But Shubman paid no heed to the rumors and gossip swirling around them. All that mattered to him was the radiant smile on Ishan's face, the way his eyes lit up whenever they were together.

"Hey, Shubhu, let's grab some ice cream," Ishan would say, tugging at Shubman's hand with a playful grin.

"Anything for you, my love," Shubman would reply, his heart swelling with adoration as he indulged Ishan's whims, reveling in the simple joy of being by his side.

Their relationship was a sanctuary, a safe haven where Shubman could let down his guard and be his true self – vulnerable, caring, and utterly devoted to the one person who had stolen his heart.

And as they basked in the warmth of each other's love, Shubman knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, as long as he had Ishan by his side, he could weather any storm. For in Ishan, he had found not only his sweetheart but also his guiding light, illuminating the darkest corners of his soul with the brilliant glow of their love.

Their bond grew stronger with each passing day, woven with trust, understanding, and unwavering support. Ishan became Shubman's confidant, the one person he could turn to with his deepest fears and insecurities, knowing that Ishan would always be there to lift him up with words of encouragement and love.

And in return, Shubman was Ishan's rock, his steadfast anchor in a world full of uncertainties. Whenever Ishan felt overwhelmed or lost, Shubman was there to guide him with gentle reassurance and unwavering belief in his abilities.

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