70~ Trivedi Siblings

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🔞A update which will answer your few questions and sure you will love it.

Author's POV

"Chachu," Alana called out, tugging at his shirt. He glanced down at her with a chuckle, continuing on his way towards the elevator.

"Yes, princess."

She bit her lip nervously before asking, "Do you know about the secret fairy?"

He halted, a look of confusion crossing his face, as he asked, "Who's the secret fairy?"

"The one who is beautiful and lives under the bed? She's prettier than me,"

He chuckled affectionately and planted a kiss on her cheek before stepping into the elevator. With a gentle press of the button, he selected the fourteenth floor.

"There's no one prettier than my Barbie,"

She smiled wholeheartedly at his compliment but then complained, "Why don't you come to meet me? And where do you live? Do you have a secret fairy like us?"

He gazed at her chubby face for a moment, feeling a rush of emotions welling up inside him. Blinking back tears, he softly replied, "No, I just have you."

Alana smiled in understanding and said, "I, too, only have one, two, three persons."

She counted her fingers, amusing him with her cuteness. He asked, "And who are those three persons?"

She didn't take much time to respond and answered. "You, Dadda, and Romeo."

He chuckled at the mention of Romeo, knowing the reality behind the facade. "Doesn't Romeo look scary to you?"

She stared thoughtfully at him, pondering the question. After a moment of consideration, she replied, "He does when he gets angry at Dida Amma. Dadda, too, looks scary when I ask him to let me meet the secret fairy."

Kaustubh pondered her words for a moment but dismissed them, thinking it up to a child's innocent blabbering, without giving it much further thought.

"Can I add one more person?" she innocently asked, her eyes wide with curiosity. He stared at her with a questioning gaze, intrigued by her request.


His heart skipped a beat upon hearing that name from her mouth, stirring memories of his sister's continuous presence around his niece, without knowing what relationship she shared with little girl.

He was certain she was referring to his sister, and a pang of unease washed over him as he considered their closeness and it's consequences.

"No, Barbie, she's not family, and you know how careful we need to be around strangers," he cautioned, with concern evident in his voice.

Alana glanced at him, a tiny frown dancing over her face, as she retorted, "I'm not asking, Chachu. I'm adding her to my favorite list."

He stared at her, a heavy sigh escaping his lips. He couldn't help but notice the resemblance between her stubbornness and the anger issues of her father.

The frown etched on her face was a stark reminder of her father's temper, which knew no bounds.

The elevator doors opened, interrupting his thoughts. Stepping out, he made his way towards his room, only to find it unlocked, a silent invitation echoing in the dimly lit hallway.

He understood his brother was there, and after taking a few long breaths, he entered inside, preparing himself for what awaited.

As he stepped in, he saw the back of a familiar figure standing near the entrance, sending a wave of recognition through him.

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