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The door to a small apartment in New York City opened effortlessly without a creak in the dark night. A short, slim man of age 25 walked through the door holding one single plastic bag in one hand, and his keys he had previously used to open the door in the other. He let out a sigh of exhaustion, dropping the back carelessly onto the hardwood floor amd removing his black converse; not an inch of dirt to be seen on them.

He dragged his feet tiredly across the floor, entering the living room where the wooden slabs in the ground turned to soft fluffy carpet. He smiled, satisfied with the texture, curling his toes into the floor of his home.

"Zander?" A taller, tanned man called, poking his head out of their bedroom door. "You're back so late..." he mumbled, half disappointed and half worried. Oh, and very tired.

"Huh? Oh.. yeah. Traffic was a fucking nightmare as usual." Zander replied, walking over to his boyfriend. "Im sorry Luke, i had no idea getting last minute groceries at this time of night would take so long.. infact, i thought itd be quicker but no.." He reached his hand up to place against Lukes cheek.

"Its alright baby, i was just insanely worried about you.. eheh" The taller of the two chuckled sheepishly as he realised just how protective he could be, especially knowing that Zander is now in his mid twenties.

Zander smiled, giving Luke a desperate kiss on his cheek. "Mhm.. I missed you.." he spoke, with his lips pressed against his lover's skin.

"Cmon, lets get you to bed.." Luke chuckled, hoisting Zander up into his arms, to which the latter responded by wrapping his legs around his waist, allowing Luke to carry him to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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