✦ { Nir } Yemisi's Dilemma: Unmasking the Class Bully's Demise

45 5 0

Reviewer: nkvenus7878

Client: iammimi_22

Cover page: 3/5

The book cover is eye-catching and gives a good glimpse of the lead character Yemisi. However, since the book revolves around a criminal case and it also involves several other characters, a cover page picturising those would be much suited.

The image of a single character does not give much idea to the readers about the events in the book. The cover page must be made aligned to the events in it.

Title: 4.5/5

The title is perfectly suited for the context of the story. "Yemisi's Dilemma" gives a catchy glimpse about the main lead Yemisi and how she must deal with a criminal case while removing herself as a potential suspect.

However, there could've been a much better title which could immediately mention the criminal background. Regardless, the book title is indeed appreciated.

Blurb: 5/5

The blurb of the book is well written, having next to perfect vocabulary and grammar and a good summarisation of the events has been mentioned.

Character: 6/10

The character description of the book is a little disappointing. Of course the personality of the various characters has been beautifully demonstrated through their speech and their actions.

But, there's been little to no description about the appearance of the characters, their life backgrounds and any other specific internal emotions or conflicts (except of Yemisi). A betterment in this area is required.

Vocabulary: 3.7/5

The vocabulary in the story is good but could be done better with little effort. There seems to be several word and spelling errors which require editing.

Grammar: 3/5

The grammar of the book is quite disappointing. Oftentimes the use of tenses, punctuation marks, etc. have not been done precisely. A very common error is not using full stop after the dialogues of the characters.

A revised editing is very much required.

Enjoyment: 5/5

The book is reader friendly and helps in the reader's enjoyment. With sarcastic scenes to dramatic ones, the entertainment in the book has been taken care of.

Plot: 7.5/10

The manner in which the events occur are consistent and not hurried. Neither is the writing style too boring. It's appreciated.

But, the story may lack a proper description of the events. Such as the happening of murder could be described more evidently and how the school felt about it and how the atmosphere became. Unfortunately, the environment in various scenes has not been described clearly.

Total: 37.7/50

Percent: 75.4%

Overall Review:

Overall, the book requires a lot of editing and a good amount of imagination input. Upon giving a read, it appears that the book was written in a hurried manner. Kindly remember that stories must be written with passion and must take time to be understood.

The storyline and the events are truly enjoyable and worth appreciating. They keep the readers entertained and make them want to learn more. The action and personality of characters has also been well framed.

Unfortunately, the description and details of surroundings, character appearance or anything more has not been done properly. Kindly remember that readers require to imagine the character precisely while reading to understand them. Without their imagination, they will not be able to connect much with the story. A little detail about the character's past could also be worthwhile.

The vocabulary and grammar is really depressing. Full stops, quotation marks, spellings, tenses, and so much more have to be re-edited. Without these the story may not be much enjoyable.

I hope that the above review is helpful. Kindly note that I DO NOT hold any grudge against you and this review is my honest opinion. Hope it's satisfactory!!

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