do you really think so low of me?

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Is this really all you think I'm worth? Someone to judge to make you feel better about yourself? Someone that isn't normal for you to feel in place? Someone who isn't a saint to make you feel better about your own sins?

Is this really all I am to you? A punching bag to let all your worries slip on? Someone to get the blood of others fall on so you don't get the blame?
The insults fall from your lips like the leaves during the winter up north, like a cascade where the water is contaminated by hate and spite.

Is this all?



Only this?




You can do better...





Is this really all you have to say? Expect me to get hurt after the thousands of times you used the same insults? A bitch? A hoe?? Keep going. I'm not afraid anymore, because the only thing this will do is create my personality into something you'll never expect from me.

Now I know who I am so thank you for how bad you made me feel.

I need to stop giving people depression with these 😙

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