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Bright lights flashed. Lou squinted her eyes to make her vision clear. She was kind of nervous as the music played. The television studio counts down for the show to telecast. "And one, two, three.... ready... Start rolling". The director announced.

A man appeared towards the audience standing in front of them with a wide smile on his face. "Hello my folks. Welcome to the Forbes most successful stories around the world. Sometimes a small pain can lead to a big achievement or a greater fortune. Today we have a guest who is gonna share her story. Let's welcome Lou Reed."

Lou took a deep breath and went to the stage. The host kissed the top of her palm and she smiled politely. The audience applauded at her entrance. "You look amazing." He said. "I say, this is an emotional night for all of us. What do you say?"

Lou smirked when the host reached out his mic to her, "oh don't go cry on me now, Aster."

"I can't make any promises you know me?" Aster laughed.

"You know I wouldn't believe you even if you did." Lou smirked and give out a stifled laugh. The audience and Aster laughed along with her.

"She is so cheeky." Aster grinned and pointed towards the seat. They both sat and he started the interview. "By the way Lou first of all congratulations on being the most successful interior designer according to Forbes."

"Thank you. You can invite me to do the design of your home someday." Lou smiled.

"I certainly will if I buy one." Aster laughed.

The light dimmed as the interview now commenced. Aster asked. "So Lou even though you have been famous not too long your personal life is still a mystery. A young designer like you deserves all the appreciation. Tell us about yourself.

"Well Aster, I was born and brought up in France. I spend my childhood in small town called Les Loges. By the time I was thirteen my father got a transfer to New Paris as he got a job in a company. I studied my high school lessons in New Paris. And after that I pursued my college degree in Berkeley, San Francisco. Of course I did short time occupation as part of my career. I used to do wall paintings as a part time job in my home town as well as in New Paris and San Francisco. All of those short term career kinda boosted my skills which made me upto here."

"Who taught you drawing?"

"I self learned. My father is a painter.l I started drawing while I was almost three or four years starting with the scribbles. My mother used to punish me whenever I scribble. Because of that papa built a canvas for me to draw whatever I like." Lou laughed.

Aster laughed and said, "you were mischievous."

"I certainly am. The reflections has changed but my memories aren't faded."

The audience enjoyed her conversation. She spoke freely and very elegantly.

Aster asked, "Can you elaborate on what creativity means to you as a designer?

Lou rolled her eyes and said, "Creativity, to me as a designer, is the ability to think beyond the obvious, to see solutions where others might see only problems, and to combine disparate elements into something new and meaningful. It's about pushing boundaries, taking risks, and exploring unconventional ideas to arrive at innovative solutions. Creativity in design involves not just the ability to generate novel ideas, but also the skill to translate those ideas into tangible forms that effectively communicate messages, solve problems, and evoke emotions. It's about balancing imagination with practicality, ensuring that the final product not only looks visually appealing but also serves its intended purpose effectively."

"Tell us about a situation where you demonstrated that"

Lou said, "I recently designed a kitchen for a client who was moving into a small flat. The space was very limited, so we created a wall of shelving that would allow them to store their dishes, pots and pans on the top shelf while placing the sink, stove and fridge below. This way, they could maximise their storage space and have everything they needed within arm's reach. Usually I must suggest that kitchen area's table top should be of medium to a lesser height. It's much more easier to cook."

"So Lou are you a good cook?"

"I can be a good cook and an interior designer as well. Equality is not about physique." Lou replied.

"I love that answer. Hahaha...." Aster grinned. "What is your greatest strength?"

"My strength is my will power. You know I wouldn't able to reach here without my willpower to overcome any personal stress. I had many instances but I didn't gave up. So my folks if you feel rejected by your institution lacking experience or if your resume sucks, improve it. Try again. Never give up. You will reach into greater heights. Everyone have that potential."

"Exactly, now come to something personal, Lou in you family, whom you have attachment for your father or your mother?"

"I love them both. My mother was strict compared to my father back  when I was a child. But she is a very soft hearted.  And I miss them a lot. So whenever I say that I miss them, they say, hey it's okay my kiddo come home, I'll make Beef bourguignon for you."

"That must be your favourite food?"

Lou smiled, "yes, something special which my mother makes. Finger licking good. She adds one special ingredient. Come closer so that I can whisper to you."

Aster came closer and Lou whispered, "love."

"Ooh that explains it. Hahaha..."

Aster asked, "as you said it, Lou a young woman like you ever thought about settling down. Or have you ever been loved?"

The question made Lou swallowed. She hid her sadness behind a smile and said, "I... Had... I loved a person. A lot. He was from my high school. Some circumstances made it ended."

"No contacts?"

"No .... Nothing...."

"If you ever find him, if he loves you in all these years what will you say?"

Lou was dumbfounded. She fumbled. "I .... I don't know....."

"If it were me I would say yes." Aster smiled.

Lou said, "it is because of him that I'm here. I learned a lot from that experience."


"So what is this story? Who is this person?"

"The person I prefer it to be anonymous. But he is from my class."

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