Moving In

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Today I just moved to a new town for my dad's new job. So far, it's kind of boring. I mean on the bright side, my best friends Savannah and Avery are gonna visit allll the time. But still. Who am I supposed to gossip to?

"Y/nnnn" my dad calls for me as I shake myself out of my daze.

"What is it dad?" I called back from the inside of the car, still half asleep from the drive.

"Well these boxes aren't going to move themselves y/n" my mom says slightly frustrated as she sighs and picks up a box labeled 'Y/n room'.

As I go to grab my box, I hear a car pull into the driveway. That's weird. Mom and dad said people weren't coming over until we finished unpacking. As soon as i'm about to ask who it is, a familiar face pops out of the car with a huge smile.

"SAVANNAHHH!!!!" I screamed as I tackled her in an embrace.

"Y/NNN!!" she said as she returned the hug. "Don't get too excited yet I still have one more surprise for you!" she says as another friendly face emerges from the car.

"AVERY!? YOUR HERE TOO??!" I say as stand there shocked that my two best friends had drove 2 hours just to come visit.

"Of course I am, who else was going to help unpack your stuff for our favorite hangout room?!" Avery says as she laughs at Savannah, referring to MY bedroom as their 'hangout room'.

I stand there, still shocked that they were here and Savannah speaks up and says "Well are we gonna go unpack or not?"

A sudden thought pops up in my head so I decided to speak up and yell "Last one up has to grab the heaviest box!!!"

Once the other two hear this they immediately shove me aside and start running towards the house. 

As I run after my two best friends I start to think that moving to this new town might not be so bad.


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