10. Emma 🌶️

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I love having the house to myself. Honestly, at twenty-four, I thought I would be living on my own, but my mother insisted I continue living with her until I finished my education. Insisted it the nice way of putting it. In reality, she told me she would stop paying for my schooling if I moved out. So, I did what she wanted and stayed. There is no way I could work enough to afford a place and continue making straight A's.

But now that she's on her honeymoon and won't be home for a week, I'm free to live my life the way I want. This is a taste of freedom, and I'm going to enjoy every minute of it. It's like a soft launch of how my life will be once I do move out.

I went to bed as soon as I got home yesterday, but today I start with a lazy morning, sleeping in and eating breakfast in bed. I watch trashy TV and read a book. I go for a walk in the afternoon, enjoying the fresh air. I spend the evening cooking a delicious meal and eating the whole thing without someone commenting on my food intake.

I can't remember the last time I felt so relaxed. It's amazing how good it feels to have a little space, to not have someone breathing down my neck all the time. I feel free, like I can do whatever I want, whenever I want.

My phone buzzes with a text from my best friend Skylar.

"Hey, girl. You home yet?"

I smile, quickly replying. "Yeah, got home yesterday."

"Lucky. I'm stuck at work. Bored as fuck."

I laugh, knowing how Skylar hates her job.

"What are you up to tonight? Wanna hang?" she texts.

"Sure, but no clubbing."

"Come on, live a little," Skylar urges.

"Last time you said that, I had a raging hangover for three days."

"Don't be a killjoy."

"What's wrong with going to the movies? Or just staying in and binging on pizza and wine?"

"Ugh, fine. But you better make me popcorn."

I can't help but smile.

"Deal. Come over when you're off."

"Perfect. See you later, gorgeous."

I spend the rest of the afternoon tidying up the house and making sure everything is perfect for Skylar's visit. When she arrives, she brings two bottles of wine and a box of chocolates.

"You're the best," I tell her, pulling her into a warm hug and planting a kiss on her cheek.

"I know," she replies, her grin wide and infectious. "So, what's the plan for tonight?"

"Pizza, popcorn, and a movie."

"Oooh, which movie?"

"I was thinking Midnight Haunting," I suggest. "I've seen so many people posting about it. I checked already and I can rent it on my tv."

"Yes, let's do it!" Skylar exclaims.

We curl up on the couch, wine in hand, and start the movie. We half watch the movie and half talk. Skylar wants to know every detail of my mom's wedding. I tell her all about the beautiful setting, the amazing food, and the drama with Carter.

"So, what was your dress like? Did you take pictures?" she probes.

I fish my phone out from the depths of the couch and start scrolling through my gallery until I find a good one. I show her, and she oohs and aahs.

"Oh my god, you look fucking hot in that dress. Please tell me you hooked up with someone," Skylar blurts, eyes wide.

I shake my head, blushing. I can't possibly tell her about Ares.

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