KOOLAID :3 (Uzugiyu)

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(The real title for this isn't koolaid it's something else but that's what I named it on Google doc so yeah)

"Title: Snack? Nah! That's a full course meal!"
Giyu's Pov, again, cause why not?
Genderbent Uzugiyu (ONLY THEM 😈)
Warning: I'm not very good at writing wlw so this is probably going to SUCK


          Mmrrrghh...I lie down sideways on my bed before letting out a groan and checking my cell phone. 8:30am. I was hoping I would get some more sleep. Lately I've been having trouble sleeping and I've been waking up a lot earlier. CHING! I see a text message from Tengen pop up on my screen. What is she doing up so early? I click on the notification so I can get a better read of the text.
               ~Text Messages: Moron❤️~

Moron❤️: Hey bbg, let me take you to the mall today! 😉
G: No.
Moron❤️: Whyyyyy not girl! 😫
G: I don't feel like going anywhere right now.
Moron❤️: You need to get out of the house sometimes! Plus, it's my treat! 😘

    As much as I didn't want to admit it, she was right. I don't go out much. But going out with a girl like Tengen was like telling the entire world that you desperately want to be humiliated. In this situation I didn't have much to do and didn't really care since my life sucked anyways and accepted.

G: Fine, but don't pull any stunts!
Moron❤️: Great! See you l8ter sk8ter! 😚

        I stopped texting her. She never said she wouldn't pull any stunts, but I still had to come because I didn't mention I wouldn't if she did pull any stunts. I took a shower and got ready to go. I didn't wear anything fancy or close to fancy, I just put on a short sleeve shirt with a folded collar and some baggy sweats. I walked outside of my house, it was only one story and slightly bigger than apartment housing. It's in pretty neat condition and it has a hint of vintage so I like it.

        "Hey Giyu! What's good!?!" I hear Tengen say from behind me as she places her arm on me and pulls me closer. I didn't mind because me and her were dating but it was annoying. And boy oh boy is she fucking annoying.

        "Fine, and you?" I ask her. She looks at me with a nasty grin on her face so I know she's about to "pull a stunt" without knowing she'll do what I call "pulling a stunt" yet knowing she "pulled a stunt".

         "I'm doing good, but you know what I really want?" She asks. It was weird because while having a sly grin on her face this wasn't a weird question. It looked and felt like if I said anything this was destined to be a trap but I responded anyway.

         "What?" I asked her back, it probably wasn't good to say but out of everything I could have said it was the best option.

          "For you to sit on my face," she says. WHAT THE FUCK?!?! See? Always saying some out of pocket shit! This is why I do not go out with Tengen! We weren't too far from the house so free what she had just said I decided to go home. So that in case the next stunt was in public I wouldn't be embarrassed to be associated with this HORNY ASS WOMAN!

          "I'm going back home," I tell her, turning around and walking back to my house.
(Tried something new hehehe also sorry I didn't leave lots of A/N on this one)
Uzui: "Then I'm coming with you!~"
Tomioka: "No you're not."
Uzui: "Please girl! The whole point of this was to spend time with you!"
Tomioka: "Fine you horny little shit."
Uzui: "Hey!"

       Tengen trotted down beside me as I walked towards my house. I fumbled for my house key while she towered over me like a giant. I unlocked the door to my house and we both walked inside.

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