Girls Day Out

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As the limo honked its horn outside, we all gathered ourselves out the door and got inside. The girls was all excited and didn't know how to act. Alicia and I just shook our heads.

"Where to Ms. Reed?" The driver asked as he rolled the back window down.

"We have one more person to pick up. Is that okay?" I asked.

"No, ma'am. Where to?" He asked.

I looked at Alicia and she told him the address. He typed it into the GPS and we were off. It didn't take long for us to get there.

As well were driving, I gave Katie my phone and she was just taking crazy pictures with her sister on my Snapchat and saving them to my phone so I can send them to her on Facebook. Alicia and I laughed, talked about some stuff. Catching up since I've been gone the past few months.

By the time we got to Tiffany's, Alicia called her and told her to come outside. When I saw Tiffany come outside, I rolled down my window and hollered out.

"Come on how!" I said then laughed.

"Holy shit, you got a limo for a girls day out?" She said as she ran down the steps just as the driver got out and opened up the door for her. "Thank you." She said as she got in. "So where we going?" Tiff asked.

"I was thinking the mall." I said.

"Go to Greenwood mall." Alicia has told the driver.

"Greenwood mall, copy that." The driver said then rolled up the window.

As well were driving down the road, Tiffany and Alicia talking. I joined in a few talks, but other than that, I just watched the sights of the drive.

"They have drinks in this little mini fridge." Biddy had said pulling out a mountain dew.

"Yeah, most of em do. They stock up with drinks and snacks. But don't fill yourself with all that. We're gonna have lunch at the mall court." I told her.

"So Heather, what are we doing?" Tiff asked.

"I don't know just yet." I said. "We'll find out once we get there."

About an hour later we end up at the mall. When he pulled in the front and parked by the doors. Then the driver got out and ran to the other side to open the door for us. One thing that grew attention to us, that I was hoping wouldn't happen.

"Oh my god its Heather Reed, WWE GM!" Someone had yelled out once I came out.

I looked at the others with oh my god eyes like help. Everyone came running over to us.

Kinda wish I had one of the guys with me, mostly Roman.

"Heather, can I have your autograph please." A little girl has asked me with a pen and a note book.

"Sure, what's your name?"


"To my biggest fan, Em!" I drew a heart around it then handed it back to her.

"Over here Heather. Can you sign my shirt?"

"Sure,," I said then signed the man's shirt.

"Me next please." Another fan asked.

It was back to back, fans coming out now where asking me to sign something for them. By the time I was done, I looked around for the girls. They was leaning against the limo.

"Wow, that took forever." I said.

"Yeah, we know. I recorded it. It lasted about 10 minutes."

"Your fucking with me?"

"Nope, I went live on your Facebook to show everyone how its like." Katie said handing me my phone.

When I looked already there was a lot of comments. Of everyone wishing they were here to get my autograph or a picture with me. I turned my phone off then we head inside.

"Are you okay?" Alicia asked.

"Yes, I'll be fine. I kinda saw this coming. There will be more later on in life." I said as well end up walking inside a clothing store. "Pick out an outfit or two each Katie and Biddy. And you two want something to look as well." I said as I went one way.

I wanted to be alone after what happened.

About an half an hour to an hour, we all end up finding each other with at least one of two things we wanted from here. When we cashed out, we walked out and went to another place in the mall. Kept looking around for about maybe another half and hour to an hour worth of nothing we wanted other than the girls. They found a few things they wanted. Kids are kids.

After that, we went to the food court that was in the middle of the mall to get some food. As we were ordering our food, the same thing that happened outside happened in here. But not as many though. So of course I signed those who wanted an autograph and those who wanted a picture. After that, I had told them to let me be to eat with my family.

They said they were sorry for interrupting our meal time then left. Some were still taking pictures of us. Until I was TMZ.

"Oh fuck." I said as I turned away.

"What?" They asked.

"We're gonna be on TV. TMZ is here." I said and they had to look. "Don't look." I hissed.

But it was too late. TMZ came running over to us asking questions.

"Heather!, Heather!" They called out. "Got a few words to say to us?"

"Like what?" I asked.

"Like, how does it feel to be what you are? What about you and Roman Reigns, is it true y'all are dating? That he bought you a nice ass car, so you could date him?"

"Excuse me?" I asked. "Roman and I, yes are dating but not because of the car. I didn't ask him to get it for me. He wanted to get it for me so I can have a car to drive around in back home."

"What about WWE, are you just using the title to get what you want?"

"What, no. I'm done here." I said as I put my hand on the camera. "I'll meet y'all at the limo." I said as I took off running.

Once I ran out of the food court, I got to the limo as fast as I could and sat there and waited for them.

The girls say out was all messed because of me being somewhat famous. I just hope that won't hate me for it. About a few moments, my phone started ringing, when I looked I saw it was Nikki, so I answered it.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey, are you okay?" She asked.

"Not really. I just got bum rushed by TMZ with a million questions at the mall."

"TMZ is here in LA."

"Yeah, I know. We have something like that here, but they had their shirts on so I knew it was them."

"Look, I know its gonna be hard at first but it will get easier later on. Trust me, on that." Nikki said just as the limit car door opened.

"Hey, are you okay?" Alicia asked.

I nodded my head. "Yeah. Nikki, I'll talk to you later."

"Yeah, sure. I just wanted to make sure you were good. I saw your live on Facebook."

"Yeah, Katie went live to show me off." I said.

"It only gets worse before it gets better." Nikki said before hanging up with me, after saying goodbye.

I told the driver to go where we picked up Tiffany then brought us home. After that, I went into the bedroom and laid down. I was exhausted after that. I wanted just to sleep for some reason. Maybe because I was up half the night then got up early.

Maybe I made a mistake doing this. I mean not coming home, but the whole WWE crap. I wanted it, but if I'm gonna get hit everywhere I go, is gonna get tiring fast. Real quick. But like Nikki said, it only gets worse before it gets better. And she's right.

But how much can I take before I flip shit though. That's the question to this.

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