Chapter 16 - Reality

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Nico and I spent two more weeks blissfully ignoring the outside world and living in our little bubble. If you had told me that I would fall for my crazy Italian neighbor who happens to work for the mafia, I would have said you were crazy. But I guess never say never.


Every high has a low, right? Life came crashing down on a Saturday morning when law enforcement invaded the house in force and arrested Nico.

"Stop, you can't do this," I begged from where they were dragging Nico away in handcuffs.

"Miss, we've been waiting a long time to get this man," said the balding officer.

Just then, a female officer stepped in front of me. "Callie, correct?" I flinched at her knowledge of my name and gave a slight nod. "I'm Kelsey, and one of the detectives. You're safe now. He can't hurt you anymore."

They thought I was being held against my will?

That's not true.

But wasn't it?

"Why are you arresting him?"

"He's wanted for murder and kidnapping. That's all I can say. But your testimony will be vital."

She wanted me to testify against Nico? Fear laces through my veins as I fully comprehend what was happening. Nico was being arrested partially due to me. But who the hell said I was kidnapped?

"He didn't kidnap me."

Kelsey's stare resembled pity as she whispered, "We'll get you the help you need."

Great, now she thought I had Stockholm Syndrome.

But did I?


"Nico!" I shouted as I lunged up in bed.

"Honey, you're okay. You are safe now." I glanced over mom.

Suddenly, the past week flashes through my mind. Nico was arrested, and the police left me with my mother, who was the one who reported my alleged kidnapping. Today was his trial, and no matter how many times I told everyone I was not kidnapped, no one cared.

"I need some air."

"Not too much air. Your testimony is crucial today to putting that man behind bars."

"Tamara will be with me and ensure I arrive on time."

"Okay, fine."


Two hours later, Tamara pulled outside my child's home, and I rushed out to jump in her beat-up sedan.

"We should go before the wicked witch of my mother comes."

"You grew up here?" Here we go.


"It's like a freaking mansion! How did I not know my best friend was this rich?"

"My mom is rich, not me. Now let's go."

Arriving back at the apartment felt strange yet surreal as if I had never left. "Want me to come in?" Asked Tamara.

"No," was all I could say as I felt pulled up the stairs onto my floor.

Nico's apartment had police tape across his door, and I felt a pang in my chest. No one has let me see him. Testifying to everything I witnessed would undoubtedly get me killed by the mafia. And I could never live with myself for helping put Nico behind bars. But I have no other choices. I either testify or lie under oath, which they'll know. I opened my door and walked into my apartment, which looked just as I left. I don't know what I expected to find here, but nothing that is helping. I quickly lock up and make my way back downstairs. I'm not the same person I was when I first moved in. Nico helped revive the pieces of me that I didn't even know were broken.

"Miss!" I turned around to see my landlord, a man in his fifties with gray hair and a slight limp to his walk.


"Top-floor apartment, right?"


"Your mail is overflowing, so please take care of it." With that, he walked back into his office.

I glanced at my overfilled mailbox by the front door to the apartment complex. I quickly grab the mail and made my way back to Tamara's car.

"How was it?" She asked.

"Fine," I muttered as I started looking through the mail.

"Callie, you haven't been fine since coming back. Talk to me."

"And tell you what? I fell in love with a man I barely know who's now on trial for murder and kidnapping. That I legally have to testify against him? It's killing me."


Just then, I noticed a big envelope with a familiar logo. It can't be. It was all pretend. With shaky hands, I opened the envelope, and my world spins.

Hi Wattpad friends!

One more chapter before the epilogue! What will happen?!

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Much love,

Emily Rose (@creativemindxo)

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