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𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐒 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒 𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐆𝐋𝐔𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐎 𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐀 𝐀𝐒 𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐒 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐏𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐄. Loretta looks up at Colin, with a beautiful bright smile. "I would be honored to have you take me for a dance Mr Bridgerton.." The Leighton girl says, looking at her best friend with a tilted head a smile mouthing, 'sorry'. Before taking the hand of her best friend brother, and moving their way to the ballroom floor.

You should take note that Colin absolutely despises dancing. Everyone with a mind could have figured it out. He always denied dancing with any lady, for two reason really. One they always stepped in his toes, and could never ever dance and have an interesting conversation. Cause they were always focused on the next step. And two, they weren't his Loretta.

Loretta was a very skilled dancer for a lady of her age. She always, no matter what the circumstances was, always impressed him. Whether it was with her dancing skills, French, or her ability to just make him feel like he was in another world. He was always impressed. She was the only one that made him want to dance, she was the only dance partner he wants. And forever only wants. But he would never say that, I mean how could he? She was his sister best friend. This is the girl he has KNOWN for as long as he can remember, there is no way he could ever win her heart. Right?

Colin takes Loretta by the waist and hold her free hand with his. Looking her in the eyes, losing his breath at her beauty. "Have I told you that you look magnificent tonight?" The boy says getting lost in her blue iris for a long moment. "You have not.. but I am sure you will at some point tonight.." Etta says smiling softly as they dance without trouble. "Well.. Miss Leighton, you look absolutely magnificent this evening.. I would be utterly astonished if you didn't take the title of Diamond this season.. Though I do hope you do save me some dances, that is when you are claimed as Diamond I mean.."

"Oh Colin you speak of me to highly.. we all must know Daphne is going to be Diamond, she is far to valuable not to be. Though you'll always have a spot on my dance card Colin Bridgerton.." The girl says with the smile that just makes the world crash underneath Colin. "May I ask something of you to do for me Etta?" The boy says, a little shy as he looks down at his feet. "Of course you can Colin, what is it?" Loretta says.

"Can you say something to me in French..?" He says getting a little shy about his request. Colin notices Loretta's shocked but smiling face and continued to say, "I'm sorry for asking just forget I said any-''

"Tu me fais battre le cœur." The French girl says, cutting him off from the sentence he was still forming. Colin's worried frown quickly turned into an expression that was hard for Loretta to read, he closed his eyes for a quick moment. It almost looked like he was trying to absorb the moment, the way her mouth contorted letters into the language he knew so little about, and to absorb the way she looked at him after she said it. The look of pure adoration and warmth. "Say it again... Please?" The Bridgerton boy asks, in almost a desperate voice. Begging to hear her speak again in the language she grew up learning., begging to hear her sweet voice again.

Loretta once again gives Colin the smile that could make any man fall to his knees and lets out a stifled laugh. "Tu me fais.. battre le cœur." She says slower, to make it last longer for the boy who so desperately wanted to hear her speak. "What does it mean?" The brunette boy asks, spinning Loretta around to the sound of the instruments. "You will have to find out for yourself Mr Bridgerton.." Loretta says with a bright smile and a sensible voice.

"You really are gonna make me wait? For what? Me to learn it the language, or for you to tell me?" He asks curiously with a soft smile resting on his cheeks. "Perhaps both, who knows.. maybe when the time comes around I will finally be able to tell you.." Loretta says slyly, almost in a teasing manner. But she would never say anything of doing such a scandalous act.

"Then I might just have to learn French won't I..? Or maybe I just have to wait for the right time to get it out of you.." Colin says winking at the Leighton girl, twirling her around and then kissing her hand as the waltz ends. "It was a pleasure to have your first dance of the night Starlight.." "Well it certainly was a honor to dance with the one and only Colin Bridgerton.." Loretta says with a bright smile. "I shall see you later then?" The Bridgerton states, "You shall.. have a wonderful evening Colin.." Loretta says walking the opposite way of were the Bridgerton was headed.

Leaving her alone, but with a bright smile. For a moment she forget they were together on the ballroom floor. It almost felt if they were alone, perhaps walking in the garden. Until she was pulled back to reality to know, that the dance had ended and the mist part ways for some part of the evening. But that's just it, Loretta didn't want to go it alone, she wanted to be by his side. To dance with him whenever she pleased and not be called improper, to be able to call him hers. Even if it was just for a mere moment...

I mean why shouldn't they be allowed? Yes it may be improper, but this was Collin. This boy who was there for Loretta in the darkest part of her life. Was there for her, in a way not even her closest friend could be.

When Loretta's mother died she was presented with one of two options. To move forward and make new memories in her mother's honor, or to wallow in her own greif and to dwell on the old memories. And unfortunately, she picked the second one. Loretta just couldn't see the other side of the door, a world were she could be happy without her mother. Her best friend.

So... For months, not one person heard the beautiful symphony of Loretta's laugh, or saw the amazing moments leading up to her award winning smile. That was all until a certain Bridgerton payed her a special visit. Before, everyone was turned away at Loretta's hand. Eloise, Daphne, Lady Bridgerton, James Andrew, and even Colin at first. Up until he presented himself again, and wouldn't take no for an answer. He forced Loretta to go on a late afternoon stroll. The stroll changed everything.

It was the day that Loretta finally smiled, after 3 months of non stop frowning. To say Colin was proud of himself was an understatement. He made it his duty to always put a smile on her face no matter the circumstances, and it always works. Even if he doesn't realizes it.

To many it may be seen as improper or even scandalous, they way they treated each other. And maybe it was, but to them? It was comforting, and nothing could stop them from either comforting each other or dancing together.

No matter how hard they try to deny themselves of their love for one another, it will always come back to haunt them one way or another. Whether that be they dance with another man or women, or they are forced to act like they have no idea of their feelings stirring inside them. It will only grow stronger and resonate deeper within them.

It was obvious to anyone with eyes that Colin Bridgerton and Loretta Leighton were meant to be together.

She was his Starlight

And he was her Pretty Eyed Boy

This is kinda short, and just full of Colin and Loretta fluff! I hope you enjoy, I know these might not be all that entertaining but I enjoy writing them and I'll continue until it's not enjoyable:))

Also what's their ship name... Lolin or Colette? Or whatever ones you can make up!!:))

I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it, as always! If you have any comments or suggestions I am always open to them, just remember to be respectful:)



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