Welcome to The Glitch Games. (A Homestuck Fanfiction)

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A glitch. That’s all I am in this goddamn game… I’m a mistake. A loser. I’m worth nothing… I shouldn’t even be here.

…Oh well, as long as I’m here in this session… I might as well do what I was made for… I’m going to mess up someone’s game.

The girl processed the players; she was still in her coding. It was a miracle she could do this. She saw the names of the Sburb buyers, she’d be messing with.

Rose Lalonde

Dave Strider

Jade Harley

John Egbert

She counted the names. Four. Just as she thought.

Well, it wouldn’t hurt to add two more human players, would it? No, of course it wouldn’t!

This glitch had another one in mind. She closed her eyes; she could already see what the other glitch was going to look like, of course, out of glitch form. And, she already knew what name the girl was going to pick.

Renae Wilson.

It rang around in the glitch’s head… Err, should I say, numbers. She smiled, it was fitting for her. But, she didn’t have time to dream about the other glitch. She had to memorize the other players... Of Sgrub.

Karkat Vantas

Aradia Medigo

Tavros Nitram

Sollux Captor

Nepeta Leijon

Kanaya Maryam

Terezi Pyrope

Vriska Serket

Equius Zahhak

Gamzee Makara

Eridan Ampora

Feferi Peixes

Those were the names of some other people playing another game, in another universe, far, far, far, far away. She wouldn’t need those, but she might as well learn them anyway. She sighed, still there’s more. There’s always more that a glitch can learn that a glitch can do… And, blah, blah, blah. She searched high and low… But, only a few more names came up.

Jane Crocker

Jake English

Dirk Strider

Roxy Lalonde

Hm, some of these may have relations to the other four players. Well, they can add two more to the game as well. If her numbers and letters could’ve smirked, they would’ve. There’s only one more thing to do…  

>Become Human.

But, the glitch knew how to do this… She’s done it before. She relaxed her mind and let it all flow out; the computer she was stuck in began shaking, and screaming as if saying, “HELP! HELP! THERE’S A GLITCH COMING OUT! RUN!!!!” But, with a whoosh of warm air, out came a girl. One who was only 5’4’’, who had brown hair with bangs, and a face filled with freckles underneath beautiful pools of lavender. She stretched, “Ah, finally out once again.” She looked down quickly realizing she was nude. Luckily, she was in a house. The house of the glitch maker, Mother, was her name. Mother always kept clothes in this closet hoping someone would use them that maybe one of her glitches would jump out of the computer and cause a lot of distress. Well, luckily for Mother, it happened. The girl walked over to the closet, her bare feet making a slapping noise against a beautiful wooden floor.  She looked into the closet; she had to find something her size and something nice. And, knowing this girl… That could take ages…  But, luckily something caught her eye… Something with a heart on it and something blue.

Jeans and a t-shirt.

Maybe this glitch won’t be so troublesome, well at least not for herself or Mother, after all. 

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