My Crew

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My name is Chris. It's short for Christina but I don't tell people that very often. My mom is a crazy Grey's Anatomy fan and I hate explaining that.

I'm boring. My life is lame and so is my friend group.

We literally just lay around, smoke dope and watch Adventure Time until we rot.

Oh, and we also explore paranormal shit.

I've always been into the paranormal. It's just so fascinating. Just something about not knowing that gets my adrenaline pumping.

"Dude, pass it already."

That's Gunnar. He's my best friend. He's also a bong hog.

"Sorry man."

He chuckles and passes it to Tabby.

Tabitha Mae, my other best friend. I don't know why she hangs out with us. Gunnar and I are the outcasts. Tabby has the looks, personality and money to hang out with the 'popular kids'.

But here we are, in my mom's basement, smoking a bowl.

"Aren't y'all excited for this weekend? We finally get to go."

I grinned and plopped back onto my bed.

"Oh my god yes. We've been planning this for how long now?"

There's this tiny little house that sits on a huge graveyard across town. Rumor says that they only got to use half the graveyard before having to use a different plot because the grave keepers kept going missing.

"I know! I finally get to use my new equipment!"

Now I remember why Tabs hangs out with us.

She's a total geek.

"Oh yea, didn't you get one of those motion things?"

"A music box! Well, a motion sensor one. When you walk in front of it, it plays music. It can detect the things that we can't see!"

She was so giddy about this. I was too. This was a big deal.

"You guys are nerds."

We both roll our eyes at Gunnar as he takes another rip.

"I didn't even get it yet!"


Little intro chapter for you! Slightly different than my normal but I need a break from fanfics lol

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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