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Batman and Joker from the arkham knight games specifically. Though they aren't portrayed like them bc I like to give them feelings.

"Ah Batsy! What a pleasant surprise, unexpected but pleasant." Joker giggled and swung his feet as he sat on a rail of the second floor of his warehouse. It was fixed up quite nicely, it looked as if he's been here for months. Obviously not one of his usual warehouses that he plans things in.

Joker was a bit surprised to see that Batman had just walked in here, even if he was expecting him he'd still be surprised because when did Batman use front doors!? He watched as his darling craned his neck to look at him

"Come down from there Joker." Batman said in his low, raspy voice. What a voice! He'd love to hear it after Bats woke up in the mornings.

"Why Bats? I haven't done anything today!" He slid down the rail and hopped off at the end, landing on his feet and raising his arms as if he just stuck a landing after doing a flip.

Joker walked towards Batman and grinned as the dark knight scrutinized his every move. He wasn't going to lie, he felt nervous around Batman after their last encounter. He's never felt nervous in his life but the last time he spoke with Batman was embarrassing and he hoped his tall dark and handsome love would forget about it and never bring it up. Alas not everything goes his way.

"About the other day. With Poison Ivy." Batman started and Joker wanted to cover his ears like a child

"Ah how about we put that all behind us Bats! It was just the toxins you know! We don't even have to talk about this, I don't have anything planned but if you just come back in an hour, I'd be-"

And now his mouth was being covered, not by a hand like when Batman was trying to shut him up or a fist or even close. It was... his lips! God it was Batman's lips on his, holy shit. He might actually be hallucinating, did his good companion Crane come by? He was expecting this and then a punch or something! Now the lips are gone..

Batman held Joker by the waist "Don't make me regret that."

"I... I uhm.." First time Joker has ever been speechless, he's never been speechless in front of his batsy! Why can't he find words?

"Bat got your tongue?" Batman gruffly whispered in jokers ear

If Joker wasnt being held up by batman's arm he most definitely would've crumbled to his knees. He dreamt of Bats coming to him one day and doing something like this but he was prepared and it was a dream! He never actually thought Batman would give in to his flirting! He wanted to be buried more than six feet deep right now, if his face was able to show the blood rushing to it, it would definitely be more red than Rudolph's nose.

"B-Bat's what are y-you..." Joker stammers, trying to find words he just can't.

Batman kissed Joker again and even if Joker couldn't speak he sure could reciprocate that kiss. He whimpered slightly, ignoring the embarrassment he felt for making that noise. He felt Batman pull back from the kiss for air, he just now realized that he also needed air too.

"I lo- I uhm..."

Batman chuckled and pecked jokers forehead "You don't have to say it, I know. I do too, okay? It took me an extremely long time to figure out it was never hatred."

Joker closed his eyes "We've never had a heart to heart, this is weird..."

Batman chuckled and Joker felt as if his soul left his body, that was the most beautiful sound he's ever heard. "You can imagine what I'm feeling then, you know I don't do feelings J."

Joker held batman's face in his hand, the cowl still on. He liked his Bats, he's never really thought about the dark knight behind the mask too much. It wouldn't have been too much of a mystery if he knew and that wasn't fun but he guessed he'd have to know if they started dating. Would they start dating? God how would that even go?

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