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Author pov :

They both reach café together when there eye's meet they made a long eye contact , they were stuck into each other and don't want to leave but want to live in each other's embrace

Both were nervous as fuck but somehow managed to stand infront of each other Taehyung take a deep breath and speak

Tae : take a sit

Jennie : uhh!!! Yes sure

Tae : so I need to tell you something important

Jennie : me too *sigh*

Tae : you can go ahead

Jennie : no let's speak together

Tae : yeah ........ Soo

Taennie : let's break up *together*

Taennie : what!!!!

Jennie : why do you want to break up with me ?!?!

Tae : b-because i am now bored with you

Jennie : what do you mean by bored with me huh ?!?!

Tae : I was actually using your body and beauty.... I never l-loved y-you

Jennie : no your lying....i don't believe you

Tae : you have to believe it

Jennie : no!! ...... But you know what I am fine let's break up

Tae : what!!

Jennie : yes because I never loved you too i was just bored and want to try something new

Tae : are you serious!!!

Jennie : yes i am fucking serious right now so let's break up and never show our face ever to each other

Tae : yes your right

They payed for what they ordered but haven't eaten it , went out of the café and take the different routes and separate there ways

They were crying there heart out when they reach home because they were never gonna see each other from now

Jennie pov :

Why , why the heck did this happen with me !! Why I am so unlucky.... Wh-- *phone ringed* fuck this phone call

On the call

Jen dad : dear I want you to have your personal assistant instantly

Jen : okay dad *coldly

Jen dad : that's like a good girl and come to war house today at evening I have to give a announcement of the new leader

Jen : fine *coldly*

End of the call

I need to move on from now I know that I can't stop loving him but I can't be cry till my death I have to take this position and make my dad proud..... From now my new life is going

Me Jennie kim who hate love and a mafia leader ..... Now this is my new identity*sigh*

Tae pov :

The heck happen just right now !! But I don't believe her words no one can ever pretend the love this  smoothly..... I know she is lying but why !?!--- uhh fuck !! Why everyone has to call me on wrong time but who is this right now

On the call

Tae dad : Taehyung as you know that you're gonna be leader and taking my position so I want you to have your own personal secretary so find it before evening

Tae : okay dad *coldly replied*

Tae dad : well ... Did you break up with that your girlfriend

Tae : dad I am not in the mood to talk about this .... So please *frustrated*

Tae dad : ok ok fine !!!

End of the call

I know I can't move on and I am sure in day she will be mine again but I have to accept the situation and go through everything thing and my new life too

Because now i gonna be the leader of the biggest and famous mafia group and from now on

Me kim Taehyung the leader of the mafia group.... Now this is my real identity from now on

Author pov :

After this on that day Lisa and junkook got a call from Jennie and Taehyung... Both tell them everything

And somehow both of them decided to join and accept this , but they didn't broke up like Jennie and Taehyung

But instead they decide to continue it like this and in the right situation they will reveal there relationship...

And because of this they were always in contact with eachother and sometimes also manage to send time and meet eachother



Tae : so what should we do now

Jennie : what do you mean ?? *Confused*

Tae : i mean that now we have clear the misunderstanding so let's get back again with each other

Jennie : not happening in decades

Tae : but why I mean we know that we still love each other so why not

Jennie : it's just ........... *Sigh* i am not ready to handle the relationship

Tae : i understand..... Don't worry tell me your ready I will waiting for you *a little sad*

Jennie : *sigh* yeah!! *Guilty*

The guilt was feeling her up , it's not like this is her fault but she is just not ready because the things happen in past almost give a trauma to her

So they went for sleep without saying any word to each other even if they wasn't able to sleep atleast they were relaxed that the were beside each other in one room

Next morning >>>

They were still sleeping unknowingly........ In each other embrace but Jennie's phone started ringing , they shoot opened there eye's

When they suddenly realised there position and immediately got sperate from each other and fixed them self

Tae : yo-your phone

Jennie : o-ohh yess

She picked up her phone and looked at the caller ID it was Lisa she thought why she is calling at her this early morning

So she called her back Lisa picked up and tell Jennie something that she got shocked and screamed

Jennie : what no way !!!

Tae : what happen?!? Why are you screaming *worry for her*

Jennie : tae it's urgent we have to go to my office right now

Tae : but can you tell me what happened!!!

Jennie : I will tell you in our way to office but first let's get ready

Tae : ok ..

And as they both get Ready so fastly and Taehyung get ready with the car while Jennie get in and drove off to there way to office


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Bye guys ✨🖤🤍✨

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