quote #34

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A/N: sorry this isnt a quote but still keep reading its.... umm...I dunno just read


1. Respect
2. Natural beauty
3. Manners
4. Common sense
5. A clear conscience
6. Perpose in life
7. Integrity
8. Good friends (or true friends coz somepeople literally buy their friends if u know what I mean)
9. A long life (only god can give you that, pray for it)
10. Close family
11. An open mind
12. A worry-free day
13. Trust
14. A new beginning
15. A great idea
16. Honesty
17. Peace of mind
18. A good hair day (or a good hijab day eyy all da hijabi's know what I mean :p sorry im weird)
19. Patience
20. Luck (if you believe in luck which i don't)
21. Happy memories
22. Time to relax
23. A positive attitude
24. A happy home
25. ¿Good karma¿
26. Appreciation of the simple things
27. True L♡V3
28. A new shot at the missed opportunity
29. Peace in the world
30. A golden anniversary
31. Talent
32. A second chance in life
33. Quality time with your family or even friends
34. Wisdom
35. Happiness
36. Humility
37. A good reputation
38. 25-hour day (if you get what I mean)
39. A good relationship
40. Justice
41. Youth
42. Class
43. A proper perspective
44. Selflessness
45. My bae
46. My besties
47. My life
48. My family
49. My amazing cousins
50. My extended family and my bootyful niece
51. Faith
AN: the last five were kinda random coz I kinda freestyled this because the app I use and google it was kinda weird and not relatable for youth loll but yea so I decided to freestyle it

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