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Third Person P.O.V

Youngho heard the door to Minhyung's room, open. The prince tried to be as silent as possible but Youngho was a well trained guard by now.

He looked at the prince who sneakily looked around but froze when he saw Youngho staring him down.

Minhyung blinked rapidly with mouth agape. Youngho raised an eyebrow and Minhyung snapped out of it.

Giggling nervously the prince straightened up,

"Hey Hyung, why are you up this late?"

"Shouldn't I be the one asking you that?" The prince pursed his lips.

"Why are you awake this late?" The guard's  stern voice and enthusiasm on 'you' made prince pout.

"Don't be so angry I don't know why I can't sleep so I was going to the library,"

"Now go back and sleep you can go there in the morning,"

"But I can't sleep!" Minhyung whined.

"And why is that?"

Minhyung huffs "Seriously? How am I supposed to know hyung?"

Youngho eyed him with the same unbothered look,

"I can't let you go there so go back,"

And here they were, in the library. Don't blame Youngho it's Minhyung who's aegyos are quite powerful.

"Which book do you want?" Youngho asked the little prince.

"I don't know? I've been thinking about vampires recently," Youngho paused for a moment and the prince hearing the footsteps stop turned to look at him.

"For what?" The guard questioned.

"The war, I don't know why this war has been so long dada doesn't tell me so I wanna find out do you know why?" The prince continued to look through the books.


Minhyung looked at the guard "Yeah why?"

"Why do you want to know?" Youngho clarified.

"Because it is still going on and I want to know why only them? I mean we have good friendship with everyone but them,"

"Isn't it clear they are evil?"

Minhyung looked at him with a frown,

"And how can you say that?"

Minhyung found the book two shelves higher than him and tried to jump for grabbing it.

Youngho sighed softly and got the book for him.


"Everyone says they are evil," Youngho tried to reason.

The young prince opened the book and looked up at him,

"Hyung I can't just believe in what people say until I find a proper proof,"

Youngho pulled a chair for him,

"But it's your people saying it,"

Minhyung huffed and pointed at the chair in front of him, Youngho took a seat.

"Hyung I know my people won't lie but I cannot form my opinion without knowing details so I am here and what if,"

Minhyung hissed due to a paper cut.

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