⥢ CHAPTER 1: Double Trouble ⥤

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It was an icy and gray afternoon in the city of Camelot, the slight pitter-patter of light rain blanketing the bustling streets as coated people walked out and about on their business, creating a sea of dark fabric with their raised umbrellas. Amongst the crowd, a hooded figure, as inconspicuous as the ground people walked on, stood at the side of the road, waiting for someone. He was listlessly idle, every so often he'd turn and look for whom he was waiting for, but ended up just standing there anyway.

She's late... as always...

He sighed as he thought to himself, cold vapor escaping his breath. But then again, he wouldn't have minded if she didn't arrive at all, he still harbored some form of hesitation, when he was returned to his senses. He turned, and without missing a beat, chastised her.

"Damn it, Karin, don't you know how long I waited for?" He was miffed about having to stand out in the rain.

She gave a small laugh and proceeded to give him the usual excuse, "Hey, hey, I told you I'd be late, didn't I?"

Karin, the woman in question, had long, messy, waist-length hair the color of fire, framing a face with sharp cheekbones and sharp, but beautiful green eyes. She stood just a little bit taller than him, wearing a black raincoat over her armor, a simple dark-orange tunic under an elegantly engraved silver cuirass, gilded greaves, and leather-bound gauntlets. She didn't carry an umbrella either; after all, it would've been an awkward fit because at her back hung a large rig, easily almost twice her size, which was wrapped in what seemed to be gauze. At her waist, was a giant zweihander she affectionately called "Taglierina."

"You ready Corvin?" Karin asked while yawning, stretching both her arms outward.

He simply nodded in silent confirmation. The pair walked through the city, despite the crowds, it was still relatively easy to pass due to their parting because of Karin's massive weapons. In all honesty, Corvin didn't like this plan, it was reckless and came with too many risks, but unfortunately, it was their best bet. This plan had him worried so much that he ended up walking into Karin who had stopped next to a taxi.

"Welp, this is it... No cold feet?" She meant to say this in a light-hearted jest, but there was a hint of genuine concern in her voice.

Though, Corvin merely scowled and tilted his head to her, "This was your idea wasn't it? If anything, it seems like you're getting cold feet."

The pair entered the taxi, Karin gave the driver a specific set of instructions, but they seemed to argue for a while, until of course, Karin agreed to pay extra. Corvin just started to drift away, the scenery changing as the taxi made its way through the labyrinth of buildings and streets. Eventually, the lively and bustling atmosphere of the main city noticeably disappeared. The buildings looked more decrepit, streetlamps were now either brokenly unlit or barely flickering, just holding on. The crowds had disappeared, replaced by riff-raff, huddled alone or with small groups near building overhangs to get out of the rain.

After a longer while of driving, Corvin could tell they arrived in the slums. The buildings were now even shabbier or decrepit than earlier, with broken windows, boarded-up doors, and maybe a squatter den here and there. They would also occasionally drive past all kinds of people, some beggars with lost limbs, or maybe bandages over their eyes, some rough-looking gangs, and even the obligatory street robberies. Even the driver seemed to take notice, after all, it would've been impossible not to, he was jumpy, trying to get through the streets as fast as possible without causing an accident.

Though, Karin seemed to be in an almost foul mood, and when they passed a beggar, especially one with a lost arm, leg, or maybe eye, she'd click her tongue. When he gave her an inquiring look, she explained that these beggars were veterans. They eventually reached their destination, a building at the end of a dead-looking street. Karin paid the driver in full, and once they got out, the taxi sped off in a hurry.

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