71~Yashika's Brother

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A chapter revealing biggest truth🥲

Yana's POV

I was utterly shocked to the core when he suddenly lifted me onto his shoulder and dragged me out of the club, not even giving me a chance to uncover my eyes.

The abruptness of his actions left me reeling, my mind racing with confusion and surprise.

He threw me on the bed ignoring my screams and I waited for upcoming trauma but nothing came.

Something soft hit my face, forcing me to open the blindfold, only to be horrified by his sight. Dread crept over me as I took in the scene before me, my heart sinking at the sight of his bloody state.

He was covered in blood from head to lower abdomen, the crimson fluid  dripping down his hair to his lower body.

The sight made me sick to my stomach, a wave of nausea washing over me and I struggled to keep my cries in control.

His white shirt was completely red, stained with blood and top of that lipstic marks adorned his chest, my heart clenched in pain at the realization that they weren't mine.

"Change your clothes," he ordered before walking into the bathroom. I sat there, still numb and trying to process what I had just witnessed. My mind raced with questions and emotions, leaving me unable to move.

When I regained consciousness, I glanced at myself and saw that I too was stained in red. A wave of disgust washed over me.

I felt the urge to vomit, but I managed to compose myself, unwilling to remain in those disgusting clothes, I decided to change immediately.

I stripped off my clothes and wore his oversized black shirt, hiding my inner garments underneath.

Silently, I checked on my sons and found them sleeping soundly in the other bedroom. Relief washed over my heart at the sight, knowing they were safe and unaware of the turmoil that had happened between me and their father.

I adjusted the AC to suit the atmosphere and entered our bedroom to find him wiping his wet body. Despite his presence, I completely ignored him, sensing his gaze lingering on me from head to toe.

I walked towards the bed and climbed onto it, feeling his presence as he approached and joined me. Despite the proximity, a thick silence filled the space between us.

I turned away from him, hoping to avoid his presence, but he shifted closer, wrapping his veiny arms around my waist and gently rubbing my belly

"Do you want to ask anything?" His heavy voice buzzed in my ears, his lips trailing over my earlobe, causing a surge of anger and tears to well up within me but I clutched the pillow tightly to suppress my emotions.

His hand slipped inside my shirt, his touch gentle as he caressed my belly, and he repeated his request, "Ask, and I will answer, Jaan."

I remained silent, so he turned me to face him, lifting my chin with his thumb before speaking softly, "I just lost control. I am so sorry."

I stared into his eyes, searching for sincerity, and finally moved into his embrace, allowing the tears to flow freely. "I am tired of falling again and again. I can't forgive you anymore, Ardhansh."

I whispered, my nails digging into his hard chest, and I heard him breathing heavily, his hold tightening on my waist. He whispered back, "Don't forgive me after this, even if I begged you to, but the I promise if any man thought of touching a single hair strand I won't fucking think twice to repeat this mistake with no remorse." His words hung heavy in the air, a solemn promise that echoed the depth of his remorse.

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