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I was late to the most important game of my life and what was even worse was the repeated calls I was getting by the second, I wasn't even changed yet I was in my sleeping clothes and I knew somebody would get a a picture of me in these clothes but that didn't matter right now since I just need to make it to the game but of course I ran into a bunch of fans trying to get a picture or my autograph

I finally arrived but the first half was done before I even reached the locker room and I knew I would be in trouble since I can already hear yelling coming from the locker room and I was still hadn't even reached it

" I haven't checked the score but i'm guessing we're loosing" I said with a crooked smile

" I'll kill him!" Yelled Cancelo trying to run at me but the boys stopped him

" We're not losing but they've caught up" Explained Milo

" It's fine we can win this" I tried lightening the mood but got dirty looks instead

" Where were you?" Asked an angry Kynil getting in my face

" First of all get out my face and I overslept if you must know" I said as he chuckled

" You're ridiculous" Spit Kynil

" Not more ridiculous then your coaching" I fake smiled

" Get dressed you look homeless!" He yelled before leaving but not without slamming the door behind him

" What are you guys looking at!" I yelled at everyone looking at me

I got dressed right on time because as soon as I put my shin guards on half-time was over and everyone was already heading to the field instead of following right behind I fixed my hair which caused me to be the last person to leave the locker room and the main focus because of my late arrival

" He didn't put you in?" I asked surprised

" No because the line up right now is perfect" He mocked

" You are a funny man Vitor" I laughed

" Why are you here?" I asked Araujo as he shrugged coldly

" They gave him a red" Answered Romeu

" That's crazy" I laughed

" But totally not funny" I said as he gave me look

I was surprised to hear Dembele was the one to score PSG's first goal and tie us up, I was joking around with Victor and thought everything was going well until PSG scored again which from what I tell made Kynil mad

" Ferran get ready your in" He said as Ferran took him jacket off and started stretching

" Who are you taking out?" I asked but he just ignored me

What a dick.

I was waiting to see who he took out but before I could even react PSG scored a penalty goal and that's when Kynil made the substitution and I was surprised to see he took number eight out, Pedri!, Kynil just took Pedri out

" Who wants to hear a joke?" I said as Milo raised his hand

" Who lasted longer than Araujo?" I Asked as he shrugged

" Pedri" Milo laughed but soon stopped when we both got a look from Araujo

" You have a big mouth for someone who just showed up" Said Araujo with an attitude

" C'mon it was funny" I said but he didn't budge

Pedri took Ferran's seat next to me and I was about to open my mouth but he told me to shut up before I could even say anything

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