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"The District Eight boy goes to Aniston Fosse," announced Dean Highbottom once he read through the first half of the list. "And, oh, how fitting. The girl goes to Hilarius Heavensbee."

A few of the students snickered. Aniston felt her cheeks flush. Though working with the mentor of their tribute's district partner wasn't part of the assignment, many of the students decided it could be advantageous for their projects. Assuming Hilarius agreed with this proposal, the two would be spending a lot more time together than they usually did.

Aniston's gaze shifted over to her friend. He turned around in his seat to grin at her and gave her a thumbs up. Aniston felt warm again and looked away.

"That's exciting," whispered Lysistrata. "You get to see him more often."

"We're neighbors, I see him a lot more than I should," said Aniston. "Now hush, I want to hear your assignment."

Lysistrata was assigned to the boy from District 12. The girl frowned slightly at the Dean's choice. Though the capability of their tribute to win the Games wouldn't be part of the grade, being assigned to a tribute from the poorest district wasn't preferable.

Once all twenty-four mentors were given their assignments, there was a short break before the reaping broadcasts commenced. Most of the students stood to gossip about their selections.

"Congratulations," Aniston said to Festus. "District Four is a big deal."

"Thanks, Ani," said Festus, before turning to speak with Persephone Price, the other District Four mentor.

Aniston focused her attention back on Lysistrata. "Can you believe Coriolanus got the girl from Twelve?" she asked, unable to hide the glee in her voice.

Coriolanus Snow was at the top of their class. Everyone assumed he would get a tribute assignment to match, but clearly, this was not the case. Lysistrata sighed. "You should be nicer to him. And besides, maybe he'll pull together a really good interview with her.

"But Lyssie, he's so easy to make fun of," she argued.

"I love you, Aniston," said Lyssie. "I hope you know that."

Lysistrata looked over Aniston's shoulder and smiled. Aniston turned, expecting to see Festus standing behind her. That was not the case. Aniston started to turn back around, but did a double take once her brain realized what she was seeing.

"Hilarius, I told you not to wear the shorts," she complained. "And your tie is crooked."

Aniston stood on her tiptoes to readjust Hilarius's bowtie. Then she stepped back to look at his outfit. She shook her head with disappointment

"They make me look taller," argued Hilarius.

"You're already tall," countered Aniston.

"Well you didn't wear that sundress."

"That was completely inappropriate for a reaping outfit," she said.

"Whatever," said Hilarius. "Anyway, we're working together now."

"We don't have to," said Aniston. "That isn't part of the assignment."

"But we should. Unless you don't-"

"I do," interjected Aniston.

Hilarius smiled. "Good. I should head back to my seat, I think the reapings are about to start."

Right as he rejoined Pup by their seats, the curtains at the front of Heavensbee Hall parted, revealing a large screen bearing the seal of Panem. The remaining students and faculty stood for the Capitol anthem. Most of the mentors weren't comfortable seeing the song, except for Coriolanus. Aniston did her best to sing, despite the laughter that threatened to leave her lips at the sound of his mediocre voice. It seems that not everyone in the Capitol was blessed with an artistic talent.

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