🔞9. The night when we fell(Bottom Shubman)

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‼️Bottom Shubman ‼️
‼️Top Ishan‼️

*third person's POV*

17th April, 2024. It was the night when GT lost yet another match at their home ground, this time from the Capitals. Shubman, the young captain, out for just 8(6), sat in disbelief, watching every moment pass by with a forced smile on his face. Deep down, the whole world knew that he was shattered, and this was definitely not healthy for him.

On the other end, Ishan Kishan, Shubman's best friend, watched it all on TV. He could read Shubman very easily. To his luck, he was currently in Punjab, and it was definitely easier to reach Gujarat.

Shubman sat alone in his hotel room, staring at the wall blankly. Hours went by. The number 89 never leaving his brain. It was their worst performance yet, and that too under his captaincy. He took all the blame on himself. Sulking slowly and slowly, yet sitting as still as a statue in his bed.
His jersey was still on, his bat and gear in front of him.

'how. Just how could that even happen. It was probably the lowest score ever recorded. He didn't give his best. And it was his fault his team couldn't too. And on top of that, I'm damn sure the internet is filled with hate right now... So many people ready to throw their comments. But do they even realize it does affect me?'

A lot more thoughts roamed around in his head. A part of him missed Ishan, his best friend, and his secret crush. He'd seen many posts and articles about people assuming them being in a relationship, but Ishan would always comment how dumb they were, and that they were really just best friends. But he wished it could be more. A lot more.

And now, even his best friend hadn't called him. He always would call him after his matches. Bad, good, defeat, victory, they'd always call and talk. But had he performed just so badly that even Ishan was ashamed to call him?

He sat there just like that for even longer. The thought of sleep not even crossing his mind once.

On the other hand, Ishan, who was dying to meet his best friend, was rushing from the Gujarat Airport towards Shubman's hotel.
Back at his hotel he tried to convince Hardik to let him go.
"But we have a match tomorrow, Ishan"
"Bhaiya, please please, let me go bhaiya. I'll be back very very soon I promise. I'll be back by 6 in the morning I promise. I'll even practice double. Just please let me see my Shubman once... You know how his state must be right now. There's no one else who understands him, and us, better than you. Please bhaiya. Please"
"*Sighs* please come back fast, Ishu, Alright?"
"Aur sun.. try to tell him about what you feel"
"I- what?"
"Don't hide it, Ishan. Accept it. I've captained Shubman, and now you. You both know what I'm talking about"

Ishan did run away as soon as the match was over. His mind still in a debate on what Hardik had told him.
He got to the flight he had booked last minute and reached Gujarat in no time.

He rushed to the hotel, went to the receptionist desk, who was shocked to see Ishan, but didn't waste any time taking him to Shubman's room.

He knocked, once, twice, 5 whole times.

No response. Shubman wasn't even able to hear the noise. Too caught up in his thoughts.
Ishan took the help of another staff member and got them to open the door with the master key.
"Sir, we're not allowed to do this"
"I'm his fucking best friend, And the Ishan Kishan. That's pretty much enough"

The person did as told and went away, hoping not to get blamed if something did happen.

Ishan looked at the state of his best friend from afar, sitting in the bed, still as ever. His hands encircled his knees and he sat there staring at the wall, still not acknowledging Ishan's presence.

Ishman | one shots♡| Top Shubman💙Where stories live. Discover now