01 | Monstrous Dog Boy

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Chapter One

I can't believe it's already been six months since we were in Mexico. I also can't believe that I'm gonna be a sophomore.

I'm just glad that I haven't heard voices in my head for six months. Maybe I'm not a supernatural after-all. Maybe my name wasn't even meant to be on the dead pool...

Right now I'm sitting on the ground with my head leaned back against a tree. Liam is chained to said tree, because tonight's a full moon. The claps of thunder are growing louder, and I'm extremely tired.

"Think it's been long enough?" Stiles asked Scott.

"Yes," Liam and I called out in unison.

"Hey, trying to have an adult conversation over here!" Stiles shouted back to us. I just moaned, seeing as we're almost the same age.

"Alright you're two years older than us. And I'm fine, just let me go." Liam argued.

Scott and Stiles began walking towards us with a key to the chains. I got up from my place on the ground and watched as they began to 'unchain' him.

"It's not that we don't trust you-" Scott started,

"It's that I don't trust you." Stiles cut him off.

"But after that last full moon..." Scott acknowledged.

Liam looked at me, then began talking. "It was one slip up,"

"What slip up? Wha- What happened last full moon?" I questioned, concerned.

"A dozen calls to the sheriff's department about a monstrous dog boy running around the streets of Beacon Hills...naked," Stiles admitted.

"Monstrous dog boy huh?" I smirked at Liam,

Scott looked up at Liam, raising an eyebrow, "Why were you naked?"

"It was really hot out that night okay?" Liam blushed, "Let me go."

"You sure you're okay?" Scott asked, receiving a nod from Liam, "It won't happen again."

"Well that's a shame, because that my friends, is a video that would go viral." I stated, smiling.

Scott scoffed at my last comment, "You're in complete and total control?"

"Yeah, complete and total." Liam clarified, looking Scott in the eyes.

Stiles put the chains in a beige colored bag and walked to the jeep with me and Scott. I turned around motioning for Liam to hurry up. Then, the car started up and we were on the road.

"Is it a party?" Liam asked Stiles.

"It's not a party," Stiles breathed, trying to stay calm. He was clearly getting annoyed with all of Liam's questions.

"What's at midnight?"

"Your bedtime," Stiles sassed.

"Why aren't the girls going?"

"They're meeting us there- okay, and just stop asking questions, alright. It's a senior thing," Stiles argued with the young beta.

I pulled out my phone, to realize I can't get service or a connection.

"You guys having trouble with your phones?" I asked them. Immediately after I finished my sentence, the car began to slow down to a stop.

"What the hell?" Stiles muttered,

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