Chapter 1: Stanford

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Stanford University, Harlow and Conrad's dream school.

Specifically Harlows.

She had just arrived, opening the door to her room, her parents and little sister stood behind her. "I can't believe I have to live so small.." Harlow mumbles. She walks into the dorm seeing a girl already settled in on the right side of the room. "Oh hey you must be Harlow, my new roommate." The girl says.

Harlow flashes a smile. She wasn't much of a friendly person, but when she wants to be, she will. She was used to her big mansion a couple hours away from Stanford, her huge room, and being Spoiled. "This is..nice." Dakota says, with a hint of sarcasm, Harlows sister. "This is your dream school Har! Enjoy it!" Her Father, Daniel spoke.


I looked around the room, placing my stuff on the empty bed. "Mom, is there really no availability for a huge myself?" I whisper to her. I hear her chuckle, "you'll be fine Harlow. This is your college life at your dream school! You're going to have an amazing time." My mom says with a smile, placing both her hands on my shoulders.

"I'm gonna miss you kiddo." My father, Daniel, says, hugging me tightly. I smiled returning the hug, taking in a deep breath.

"Yeah roomie, you'll be great." I hear the girl say from across the room. She had nice light hazel eyes, the first thing I noticed about her. Her hair color shined and matched her perfectly. She had an amazing smile, her white teeth showing out. The way she sat on the bed, with a book on her hand, showing her nice and slim body. She had a dark green crop top on, and white shorts, her hair in a white claw clip.

The girls side of the room matched her perfectly.

I turned back to my family, as they helped put box's and bags down on my side of the room

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I turned back to my family, as they helped put box's and bags down on my side of the room. I then go over to my little sister, Dakota. "Kota..what will you do without me?" I say with a hint of sarcasm, lightly laughing as I pulled her in for a hug. She laughed lightly and returned the hug. "All seriousness, I'm gonna miss having you around Harlow." She said, smiling.

I took a deep breath, trying not to cry. "Alright, I think that's all the box's." My mom says, as she placed one more box on the floor. We all got into a hug, as I hugged them tightly. "I'll see you guys, Christmas break, then after that, spring break." I smiled.

"Just come see us when you can kiddo. I parked your car in the student parking." Dad says. I nod.

We said our last goodbyes, as they finally walked down the hallway, into the elevator that would lead them downstairs. I walked back into the room, sitting on the empty bed that I soon needed to decorate. I'm gonna be here for awhile.

"Aww your family seems so nice." The girl says from across the room, closing her book. I looked to her. "I'm Jackie by the way. Jackie Reggins." She said as she stood up, sitting next to me and putting a hand out to shake. I furrowed my brows, as I slowly shook her hand. Didn't know they did that over here in Stanford.

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