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AN: Here is the first entry into a Mass Effect fanfiction. I have been a huge fan of the series for years and have also had a few things that I thought "I'd change that if I could." So here I am, changing those things. I am not changing them all but I am changing some of them. I'll save the others for another book ;)

Please don't expect regular updates on this book as the more story intensive chapters like Chapter 1 take a lot of time to write. I will be sticking to the story as much as possible as generally there isn't much I'd change. So, the dialogue is pretty much a 1-2-1 copy which is partially what causes it to take so long. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it, let me know of any comments or things you'd like to see changed. AN Ends here.

The library door opens allowing myself and my two dogs to enter the dark room. Walking over to the fire, I add logs to the fireplace before adding the kindling and finally lighting the fire. I make my way over to the record player, putting the Hooked on Classics vinyl into the player. The music begins to play as I make my way over to book shelf in the corner of the library. Selecting my book, I make my way back to the fireplace, sitting in my armchair and opening the book. Glancing over I see my two dogs laying in front of the fire.

Mr Smith: Good boys, I am glad I have you two. It's comforting to know that I can at least always trust you two.

I look back at my book as I turn to the first chapter. What a way to spend new years eve, the dogs by side with a book and spectacular album. Looking up at the portrait of my grandfathers, I smile before turning my attention to my book.


21/03/2023 – 22:38:15

MSG. Jack "Hunter" Ryan

Delta Force

Kandahar, Afghanistan

Under the cover of darkness, four M1151 Humvees drove through the cold desolate desert of Afghanistan toward a small well-armed compound. The task force of Delta Force, GIGN and SAS had been sent to secure an ISIS compound after intel reports indicated that the terrorist group had unearthed some form of object made out of an unknown compound. Fearing that it could be some kind of experimental weapon or extraterrestrial technology the US decided to send a joint task force to secure the object and bring it to a joint classified research base where scientists could study it. Operational command had been given to Master Sergeant Jack Ryan of Delta Force. The Task Force dubbed the 141 consists of four Delta operatives, five GIGN operatives and seven SAS operatives.

The highly trained operators had been handpicked for the task force a year prior by the United Nations with the intent to hunt down and capture targets of high value. This included terrorist leaders, WMDs, Red Notice criminals and other targets deemed too important or dangerous for conventional forces to handle. The 141 had been given new callsigns to match their new status. Under the disguise of Ghosts, the group was allowed a lot more freedom to do what was necessary to complete the mission. The only downside was that because they were ghosts, they technically had no country affiliation. So, a quick response force, or QRF in the event of emergency was never to be counted on.

Jack Ryan was a 24 year old American born in West Virginia on July 6th 1998. He had a rough upbringing due to his military parents and moving around every few months. The result of which was a lonely child who was bullied by his peers for not having parents around at all compared to others on base. Naturally, Jack Ryan spent his childhood fighting bullies and preparing himself to join the forces. It was a thing of his family, the duty to serve. Little did young Jack know that he would quickly become one of the greatest soldiers to have ever lived.

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