01 Brooke

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Trees were just a green and brown blur as she sped past them. She really had hoped that this wouldn't happen, but things never went her way.
She spared a glance behind her to see that the werewolves were gaining on her.

She increased her speed and whipped around to change direction.
It was a sly move and the werewolves obviously expected it.
She scrambled her way up a large bulky tree and sat at the top for a moment as all the wolves that were chasing her gathered at the bottom, snarling and jumping up in the air in an effort to get her.

She wasted no more time as she jumped from her tree to another and continued this until she knew she had lost the werewolves behind her.

She turned around and walked to where she heard whimpering and growling.

She looked down to see all four werewolves in a giant hole that went farther than ten feet in the ground.
Her coven made sure they always had an escape option.

"What a pity. " she said tilting her head to the side smiling, which caused a rather large brown wolf to jump up at her and snarl.


"You know, if y'all weren't just trying to kill me, I'd probably help out." she said as she sighed shrugging her shoulders and turned around ready to leave.

She tensed as the beta let out a loud howl.

Dammit, he was calling for backup.
She couldn't waste any time, an alpha was definitely not on her to do list today.

She let out a hiss of anger as her fangs made an appearance.

She glared at the beta before she sped away.

She saw her coven up ahead and made sure there weren't any more wolves around before she entered the underground hideout.

Coven sweet coven.

She wiped off the dust from her clothes and shook the mud from her boots as she advanced further into the cave.

She took out her dagger as she approached the far end of the cave, and to anyone who didn't belong it looked like just a normal dead end, but vampires could clearly see the writing that read 'Coven Of The Everlasting'.

She sliced the dagger across her palm and let a few drops land on the rock before stepping back and watching as the rock slide open like a door.

It was a way to keep werewolves out, even if they found the coven, the only way in was the blood of a coven member.

She made her eyes down the dark tunnel until she saw the light at the end of the path.

She exited the tunnel to be greeted with the familiar faces of her coven members.

She greeted them as she walked through the main room, which was where most of the coven spent their time doing things like mapping out attacks and escape routes, we usually had a drill every month, more to keep up the importance to the younger coven members.

She walked into another tunnel that led further underground and had the rooms for the coven members.

Her room was the furthest underground, and that was the way she liked it.

She didn't like being bothered, and everyone in the coven knew it.

As she walked past one of the upper rooms she heard moans and quickly passed it.

Sara and Lee's room.

They weren't the only couple in the coven, but they were the only that were beloveds.

Most vampires didn't find their beloved, but there were the lucky ones that did.

She sighed as she finally made it to her room and unlocked the metal door before entering.

She locked it behind her as she walked towards her bed.

Remembering the cut on her hand she changed her direction and made her way to her bathroom.

She was so thankful that they had restrooms.

There was a hotel that was on land that was abandoned to humans, but her coven leader was very ocd and had worked plumbing from that hotel all throughout the coven.

She opened her bathroom door and grabbed a rag from under the sink and wet it before wiping the dry blood off of her hand.

She was glad to see that she had already healed.

She threw the rag into her hamper as she exited the bathroom and plopped down on her bed.

Just as she was about to close her eyes a loud banging on her door made her jump to her feet and scramble towards it.

She quickly unlocked her door abd threw it open to see Darren, a high ranked officer of the coven, standing there, his fangs out and his eyes a black color.

"What's wrong?" she quickly asked.

"Werewolves, they've attacked our neighboring coven, we need all our fighters out there to help." he said as he sped away.

Good thing she still had on her battle clothes.

She quickly locked her door behind her as she sped to the main room.

"Fighters, come grab your weapons!" Barlem, the coven leader shouted.

"Children please go with your mother's to the designated area! " he continued.

Brooke made her way to the weaponry table and grabbed two hand guns, putting them in her gun holders that hung around her waist.
She also grabbed another dagger, putting it in her boot.

"Okay, our neighbors are in trouble, and they have lost fighters for us so we will not hesitate to do the same. Are there any fighters not up to the task at hand?" Barlem spoke out loudly.

After a shortly stretched silence Barlem gave the okay and Brooke, along with all the other fighters made their way outside the coven and into the woods to fight the ongoing battle.


So here's the first chapter, please vote and comment and let me know what you think.


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