Ch- 22 "Embrace of Fire"

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In the dimly lit room, Chan's voice carried the weight of years past as he recounted the journey of their powers. "I was five, just a child, when the nightmares began," he began, his tone tinged with solemnity. "Visions of blood and earth, of plants bending to my will in ways no one else could imagine. And Jisung was three"

Beside him, Jisung listened intently, his expression a mix of curiosity and recognition. "I remember," he interjected softly. "I was only three, but even then, I felt the pull of water, the ebb and flow of its currents dancing at my fingertips."

Chan nodded, a knowing look passing between them. "It wasn't until you turned ten and I twelve that we fully understood what we were," he continued. "Our human mother told us about our father, a powerful fairy who vanished after Jisung was born, leaving us with these gifts."

Their shared history unfolded like a tapestry, woven with threads of magic and mystery. Chan spoke of their move to Australia, where they navigated the challenges of high school and stumbled upon a fateful encounter that would change everything.

"It was there, in those formative years, that I met Felix," Chan recalled, a fondness evident in his voice. "He was the missing piece, the third to our duo, and soon after, our trio became a quartet."

Chan's voice was soft but firm as he continued, adding another layer to their shared narrative. "Felix always knew," he said, his gaze drifting to Felix, who nodded in confirmation. "He knew he had a brother back in Korea, and that brother is you, Minho."

As Chan's narrative reached its climax, he spoke of Jeongin's arrival, a burst of magic and charisma that breathed new life into their group. "Jeongin," he said, his gaze drifting to the youngest among them. "With his arrival, our circle was complete"

In the quiet aftermath of his tale, the room seemed to hold its breath, the weight of their shared history hanging heavy in the air.

Minho's brow furrowed in confusion as he processed Chan's words. "But wait," he interjected, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "When my mother used to talk about my brother, she always called him Yongbok... Lee Yongbok."

Felix's laughter broke the tension, a warm and reassuring sound in the dimly lit room. "Ah, Minho," he said, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "That's because Felix wasn't just a name, it was a connection."

With a gentle smile, Felix continued, his words carrying the weight of revelation. "Even before I knew the truth, I always felt drawn to the name Felix," he explained. "So, with the help of Auntie Lee, we decided to use Felix as my English government name."

Meanwhile Hyunjin's mind buzzed with questions, his fingers tracing absent-minded patterns on Minho's hand as he processed the revelations. "Our arrival was planned?" he repeated, his voice barely above a whisper, seeking confirmation from Chan.

Chan's nod was solemn, his expression reflecting the weight of their shared destiny. "Felix sensed Minho's pain," he explained, his eyes flickering to Felix, who nodded in agreement. "It was as if Minho's presence was calling out to him."

Felix's gaze met Hyunjin's, a silent acknowledgment passing between them. "And Jeongin's psychic powers," Felix added, casting a proud glance at Jeongin, "they helped guide us to you."

Jeongin grinned at the praise, his chest puffing out with pride. "I may be a manipulator magic fairy," he admitted, "but sometimes, I'm blessed with glimpses of the future."

Hyunjin's admiration for Jeongin swelled, a sense of pride washing over him as he playfully punched Jisung's shoulder. "Lucky motherfucker" he teased, a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. "Don't you dare make him sad, or you'll answer to me."

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