Chapter 6:

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Lena "loving you was the second best thing i ever did", Kara "and what was the first", Lena "finding you", Kara smiled

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Lena "loving you was the second best thing i ever did", Kara "and what was the first", Lena "finding you", Kara smiled. Lena "Violet sweetie, first of day of school. Me and Kara got to get to work", Violet "is this okay for me to wear at school", Lena "yes cutie pie, you look adorable", Violet "is anyone gonna make fun of me because of my missing tooth", Lena "baby no one is going to make fun of you", Violet "can I have waffles for breakfast please", Lena "yes you can sunshine", Kara "oh my goodness I'm gonna be late for work, I'm so sorry my girls I have to get going", Lena "that's okay", Lena and Kara kissed, Kara kissed Violet on the cheek, Kara "have a good first day honey, and bye babe", Lena "bye", Kara rushed to work while Lena made Violet breakfast, Lena "alright eat up honey, we cannot be late for your first day of school", Violet "Lena is Esme in my class", Lena "she may be in your class I am not sure. But even if she's not, you'll get to see her at recess and at lunch", Violet finished eating and put her plate in the sink, Lena loaded the dishwasher, Lena "ready to go", Violet "yeah", Lena "alright let's go", Lena held Violet's backpack, and then left. Lena "hold on honey, let me get a picture of you", Violet "okay", Violet smiled and Lena took some pictures, sending some of them to Kara.

@ lenaluthorPrincess's first day of school, don't worry I do get that is almost halfway into the school year, she is all caught up

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@ lenaluthor
Princess's first day of school, don't worry I do get that is almost halfway into the school year, she is all caught up. 1st grade here she comes, I'm hoping for a good day today, she's been nervous all week about starting school but me and Kara have been telling her how much fun she'll have, and that she'll be okay since her cousin goes to the same school. We are just hoping for a good first day. Kara had to rush out of the house for work this morning so she couldn't be with us for drop off but I did send her some of the pictures I took. Wish our baby girl luck on her first day of school!

Violet held Lena's hand as they walked all the way to the school. Lena could tell Violet was getting a bit more nervous about school, her grip on Lena's hand tightened as they entered the building. They approached the main office of the school, "you must be our new first grader Violet", Lena "yes, she's a bit nervous", "that is totally normal, it's your first day, it's okay to be nervous. So all of the classes should be lining up heading to their classrooms since they just finished breakfast, you could just follow me and I'll bring you to her classroom", Lena "come on darling, let's go to your classroom", they followed the principal to the classroom, the other students started to enter the class, "Violet welcome, I will be your teacher for this year", Violet became extremely anxious and hid behind Lena, holding onto her for dear life. Lena "I'm sorry, she's not usually like this", "that's okay, just a sec. Alright class it's art time so let's all line up so we can go to the art classroom", the art teacher came and took the kids escorting them to the other room. "You could just come on in here", they entered the classroom after the teacher, "so this is your cubby and your backpack and jackets are gonna go here, and your desk is right here, and you are sitting next to Lexie", Lena "sunshine I've really gotta go, I gotta go to work. I thought we made a promise that today was gonna be a good day", Violet didn't know what to say, her little body just became slightly numb, she didn't want Lena to leave, Lena noticed the sudden change. Lena kneeled down, "when we pick you up from school we'll get ice cream and then we can go home and watch all your favorite shows", Lena kneeled down to hug her, and that's when she started crying. Lena "aww honey, you don't have to cry, we will be back to pick you up later. Honey coming to school is important, it's gonna help you learn new things and it's gonna make you really smart", Violet "I don't want you to leave mommy", Lena felt even more bad, Lena "baby you are gonna have so much fun", Violet Lena once more for about five more minutes and then she finally went with the teacher to art class, Lena blew her a kiss before leaving, and finally heading to work. Alex "you're a bit late", Lena "I'm sorry", Alex "is everything okay", Lena "not really, I thought school drop off was going to go smoothly, turns out I was wrong. Violet didn't want me to leave, she was so nervous, she eventually cried when I told her I really had to go and it broke my heart just leaving her", Alex "I'm sorry that happened. You see Esme's first day didn't go as planned either, Esme cried for a while she didn't want me or Kelly to leave her", Lena "I just hope that she starts to have fun and gets used to it because it would suck if her reaction to us leaving after school drop off would just repeat. It really broke me seeing her completely crying and begging me not to leave her. Anyways I'm going to go to Kara's office for lunch, so if you'll excuse me", Lena went up to Kara's office. Kara "hey", Lena "hey", Kara "I take it that from that look on your face that drop off didn't go as well as you planned", Lena "nope, Violet cried", Kara "aww", Lena "yeah, I felt so bad. She just went quiet and started crying", Kara "do you think she's okay now", Lena "I'm not sure. It's pretty much lunch time so she should be with Esme right now, that would probably make her feel a little bit better. I just hope that the struggle doesn't happen again", Kara "what the whole drop off situation", Lena "yeah", Kara "from what I know, Esme rides the school bus, we could sign Violet up so she could have that service, it'll be good. She'll be able to ride to and from school with Esme", Lena "yeah", Kara "we don't have to rush", Lena "yeah, sounds more efficient, I think we are gonna have to start buying things for school lunch too, didn't have much in the pantry this morning but I made it work. So after we pick her up from school we definitely need to go grocery shopping", Kara "yeah, I need my coffee too lol. Running out", Lena "lol. By the way I haven't told Alex yet but I've been working on this device, something for Esme to help control her powers, the mimicking all of it", Kara "that's very nice of you", Lena "it's like a prototype and it's not exactly finished yet but by the end of the week I should be able to give it a test run and see if it'll help Esme", Kara "babe that's amazing", Lena "yeah, I know she didn't ask me to do it but I want to to help. I don't want Esme to feel overwhelmed or pressured whenever she has use of the powers", Kara "could you give me a sec, I'm getting a call", Lena "sure", Lena stood on the couch while Kara took the phone call. Kara "yes this is Kara Danvers speaking, what is this about", "hi, I'm not sure if you'll remembered me. I'm one of the staff members that worked at the orphanage before it shut down, I'm one of the good ones, I'm calling because I believe the girl you adopted might have an older sister", Kara "who, Violet. Violet might have an older sister", "yes and I believe she has powers", Kara "powers, what kind of powers? She's just a child", "the ability to start fires with her mind", Kara "is she in the system still, did someone adopt her", "no. She's currently placed in the home I work at currently, and I didn't want to let anyone adopt her unless it was you and your partner", Kara "how old is she", "she's 9, she'll be ten", Kara "are you sure she's Violet's older sister and that this isn't some kind of mistake", "no I'm sure. In the system it says that Violet and Charlie were both born to the same parents, Victoria and Andy McGee. Victoria died because she was killed and the father he was killed by Charlie's powers, not intentionally but because he wanted to die because people were trying to take Charlie to make her an experiment. She needs parents that are willing to protect her at all costs, and you can do that your supergirl and your girlfriend is a Luthor", Kara "okay but what does Charlie want? Does she want this"? "Charlie wants to be loved, she wants a normal childhood, because she's a child and shouldn't forced to grow up or act another age that she isn't. She deserves a loving home, and deserves to be raised with her sister. And her name used to be Charlene but it was changed to keep her safe", Kara "when is the best time to come and get her", "this weekend should be fine", Kara "okay. Then we will be picking her up this weekend", "okay. Thanks for listening and not hanging up", Kara "you're welcome. I'll see you this weekend", she hung up the phone. Lena "are you okay", Kara "how would you feel being parents to two girls", Lena "two girls? What do you mean by that"? Kara "Violet has an older sister named Charlie, it used to be Charlene but it was changed to protect her. She's nine, and we can't leave her in the system, she's gonna be hunted for the rest of her life", Lena "you're not making any sense? What do you mean", Kara "Charlie has the ability to start fires with her mind, and scientists want to explore her, they wanna run tests on her, they wanna keep her and lock her up in a science laboratory", Lena "how did we not know about this", Kara "I don't know. I really don't know", Lena "when are we going to pick her up", Kara "Saturday", Lena "okay. It's about that time, we have to go pick up Violet and then head to the grocery store", Kara "okay", Kara and Lena left work, in their car and to the school to pick up Violet. Violet was so excited to see them, Lena "hi big girl", Kara "you look like you had fun, did you make this in art today", Violet "yeah, thats me. That's mommy, and that's mama", Kara "this piece of art is gonna go on the fridge", after their big shopping trip they headed home. Was a simple night, ordered pizza, did homework, everyone had a shower and then headed to bed.

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