All. Your. Fault.

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Velvet's POV:

"YOU BACKSTABBER!" I said screaming at my brother who had his head down, crying and walking towards the police truck, he had betrayed us. Our career. Its all. His. Fault "Miss Velvet you are going to have to calm down." A worker said- WAIT CALM DOWN?! "HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO CALM DOWN WHEN MY WHOLE CAREER JUST GOT RUINED!?" I was screaming crying while Veneer looked shocked. He had never seen me like this "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Velvet..." He muttered looking up at me "You're sorry? Veneer I don't think you understand. YOU JUST RUINED OUR LIVES" He just leaned into the corner of the truck and held his handcuffed hands up to his eyes "Yeah cry about it like you always do. Dumb bitch" I rolled my eyes and looked up at the ceiling as we reached the prison.

 The van stopped and the police got out grabbing us and taking us into this lobby-like area and we sat their for at least an hour before Veneer spoke up "You know we can't hate each other for years.." I looked at him shocked, huh? "I can. After what you did? Yeah no."  He looked back at the wall and I looked back down at my handcuffs as two police officers walked in and called for Veneer he stood up and went with them. 30 minutes later he came back in a orange uniform, his hair down and all of his jewelry was gone.

 "Velvet Vanquez come on." I got up and walked down this long hallway with them until we got to a room with no windows and just a singular bench at the back, they handed me a bag with a orange jumpsuit "Go on change" Um... excuse me? In front of you? "In front of you? You're a guy." He just got more angry "You want a longer sentence?" I think that's illegal. "That's illegal but okay i guess..." I changed and he just smirked the whole time, he grabbed arm and led me down the hallway "Creep.." He stopped and looked at me "What was that Vanquez?" "I said creep." He started walking again and shoved me back in the lobby room, Veneer was gone.. Like I care. I sat back down and another police officer, a girl, in a sweet voice told me- "Okay Velvet honey let's get  you to your cell" I smiled and got up "You're nice.." She looked confused "It doesn't hurt to be."

 I looked back down and we arrived at my cell, it had two bunk beds which ment... eughh.. other people.. "Hey you're the popstar girl right?" "I have a name" She looked at me with a smile "What is it then?" I took a moment to observe her. She had a off feeling, green ponytail light green skin, and she somehow had braces. "It's Velvet." She looked surprised "From highschool? No way! It's Tara girl!" Tara? shit I had forgot about her, she was one of my best friends but left the school because her parents moved work.

Veneer's POV:

I walked into this cell thinking every body would hate me. They didn't but.. it kind of felt like they were just trying to get into my pants.. "So she forced you?" one of them said "Not really.. just persuaded me I guess." Another one spoke "Sooooo do you think you'll be getting bailed out soon?"  I just looked down "Umm... I.. Didn't really talk to anyone but my sister and.. My parents are you know.. Dead. So no." They all looked surprised I just leaned back into my bed until one of them said "So Veneer are you single?" "Eww bro you have a wife" "Shut up!" They were arguing until a officer called for lunch.

Time skip to like a year later because I'm super lazy!!😙

Velvets POV: 

I walked into a waiting room while the officers talked to my visitor, then she walked in. In all of her asshole glory. My older sister. Valerie. "It sucks in here doesn't it Velvet" I just rolled my eyes "Yes. It does Valerie" She smirked and flipped her hair back "Well you know... Veneer doesn't deserve to be in here does he? Velvet." Oh no the fuck she didn't. He DOES deserve to be in here. "HE RATTED US OUT!" I tried to bang my fists against the table but only made my handcuffs tighter. I winced at the pain "Well he's getting out of this shit hole in... Oh a day!" I clenched my fists. How could she fucking do this? Why?.. "Why..... Why Valerie. Why do you have to be such a bitch? Huh? Answer. Oh right I know! Because you're jealous." She laughed then it faded "Oh.. Velvet honey, you were always the favorite. So now it's Veneers turn. Dad NEVER put his hands on you. Mom NEVER starved you!! And that led you to be a spoiled brat. Suck. It. Up." I was astonished. Bamboozled. Flabbergasted (😱) Why do I get punished..?

Here's some background music<33

Veneers POV:

I packed up my few belongings and gave my commissary to my bunk-mate. I didn't know who gave me commissary money. I also didn't know who was bailing me out because MY bail cost like more than half a million dollars... But whatever I'm out this bitch quicker than a motherfucker. I was led out of my cell by two officers and given my clothes back. I had to wait in the same lobby as I came in... That.. day... Then I was led out of two thick metal doors, then a chain link fence. Then...

Valerie. It was Valerie. She... She bailed me out. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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