puppy 2

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On an ordinary day, you found yourself nestled in Miss Circle's embrace, engrossed in the intricate play of complex blocks. They posed little challenge to you; indeed, they seemed almost effortless.

As you meticulously arranged the blocks, your mind teetered on the edge of clarity, yet a perplexing fog seemed to shroud your thoughts, adding an elusive quality to your intellect.

With practiced precision, you maneuvered through the modules, holding them aloft to scrutinize their structures. The symphony of L-shaped blocks coalesced into a large square, its perfect symmetry marred only by the absence of a single piece at its center.

Your brow furrowed in contemplation, words forming on your lips but dissipating into the mist of your mind, leaving only a faint murmur in their wake.

"The final piece lies here," Miss Circle remarked, her smile mischievous as she toyed with the blocks, her gaze teasing.

It felt as though the entire universe pivoted on that singular block in her grasp. To possess the last piece would mean a harmonious completion of the puzzle.

With determination, you reached out, fingers trembling with anticipation, only to have her playfully raise her hand just out of reach, tantalizingly close yet frustratingly unattainable. With a resigned sigh, you withdrew your hand from the suspended construction, the wooden blocks slipping from your grasp with a casual shrug.

It was just a piece of wood, after all.

You buried your head in the curve of her neck, the warmth of your breath mingling with the scent of her skin, as your dulled fangs grazed gently over tender flesh.

Like a curious puppy testing its boundaries with its owner,

she indulged your actions, lightly tugging on your collar as a gentle reminder of her authority. The collar, a stunning display of golden-red leather lined with fur, exuded a seductive allure despite its restrictive purpose.

Her soft chuckle filled the air as she tilted her head back, her eyes dancing with amusement.

Your tongue traced over the reddened spot where you were nipped, your gaze meeting Miss Circle's with an uncharacteristic seriousness. Your lips parted, forming two words with a weight that belied their simplicity.

"Go out."

You had overheard Oliver's conversation with her by chance, the significance of those two words stirring something deep within you. After days of hesitation, you resolved to seek an explanation.

However, her demeanor abruptly shifted, the once casual atmosphere now tinged with an icy chill that sent shivers down your spine. Miss Circle viciously yanked on the chain around your neck, a surge of suffocation enveloping you in its grip.

Frantically, you clawed at the chain, your desperate gasps for air echoing in the tense silence that hung between you.

Just as the darkness threatened to consume you, the woman relented, her cold gaze piercing through your haze of panic as she watched you greedily suck in oxygen, your body trembling with the aftermath of fear.

"Don't ever mention those two words again. Consider this a mere warning," she declared icily, her words leaving no room for negotiation.

Wide-eyed and trembling, you recoiled from her stern admonition, the dormant memories within you stirred awake by her chilling command.

Perhaps it had been too long since you had tasted freedom, forgotten the true extent of your captivity in this gilded cage where equality was but a fleeting illusion.

With a shaky nod of acquiescence, you resigned yourself to her authority, your body stiffening involuntarily as she lifted you from the ground, her touch a paradox of gentleness and dominance.

get out, you are getting out

Regardless of your identity, the rebellious instincts encoded in your DNA always lingered, whispering like malevolent spirits urging you to defy the rules.

Such as "escape."

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