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As I padded towards my den, my ears back and a frown on my face. I had been punished with not being able to eat whatever prey was caught today because I made my litter mate break his paw by "distracting" him when he was the one boasting about how good he is at hunting and then he, not watching where he was going obviously, tripped on a rock and fell inside a ditch.

As I slumped against the cool wall of my den, I started licking my black fur, getting whatever dust and dirt I had off.

"At least I won't have to be out training today. It's too hot for that," I mumbled to myself as I finished grooming my fur.

I sighed and laid my head on my paws, my ears flicking away whatever fly flew to close them. I closed my eyes to take a quick nap but before I could even fully close them, my mother was walking towards me.

As she walked towards me, her gray fur was glistening in the sun, the tiny white spots along her pelt looking like little stars. Her pointy, gray to black ears sticking straight up, her long grey tail drooped behind her.

"What you did today was the most idiotic thing, I've ever seen any of my cubs do," she said in a stern voice. "Your brother could've died."

I restrained from rolling my eyes, as I looked up at her. "The ditch wasn't even that deep." I said in my head, knowing that if I said it out loud, I would've gotten a claw to the ear.

I assumed she took my silence as reason to continue because she continued talking about how if I do something like that again, I was going to be kicked from the pack and banned from the pack's territory or killed, since in my parents eyes, I tried to kill him.

Once she finished talking about it, she left immediately, to check on my brother. Letting out a sigh, I closed my eyes again and started to fall asleep.

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