2: '𝘐'𝘮 𝘍𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘦𝘥'

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"🅰︎fter all these years, this is how you welcome me back...son?" The man said. Takemichi froze, he had said it...son... But could Takemichi really consider this man his father? After all that happened... How could this man even call himself his father.

"You aren't my father and will never be! You lost that title long ago, now leave!" He yelled at him.

"Oh no I won't, you call me father and open the door"

"I won't! I fucking won't! Now leave me! Leave me alone you fucker!"

"Don't talk to me like that!" The man who called himself Takemichi's father said while trying to push through the space between the door and the wall, he still had his shoe between there. Takemichi tried his best to push him away but failed. The man was just to strong, takemichi then had enough cause he knew that the man was to strong for him.

"HELPPPPPP THERE IS SOMEONE TRYING TO BREAK INTO MY HOUSE! HELP PLEASEEEE" He started to scream for help while doing what he best could in most people's opinion...cry.

"Be quiet brat!" The man yelled.



"Sir what are you doing there?! Leave the poor boy alone!" A neighbor who just came said.

"Mind your business!" The blue eyed man yelled at him.

"Leave or otherwise I'll call the police!" The neighbor said.

"This is clearly a misunderstanding! I'm a relative!" The blue eyed man said in his best calm but angry voice.

"Boy, do you know him?" The neighbor now asked Takemichi.

"No sir, I have never seen in my life." Takemichi said while still crying.

"SIR LEAVE NOW!" The neighbor yelled now louder.

"No! This is private! Mind your own fucking business!"

"I'm calling the police!" The male neighbor yelled.

"Already on it!" A female voice said, it was the other neighbor, the wife of the male neighbor.

"UGH!" The blue eyed man growled and started walking away towards a black car, but not before whispering "This isn't finished brat!" to Takemichi.

Takemichi was watching the man, who he refused to call father leave. To say Takemichi was relieved was underrated.

"Are you okay Child?" The Female neighbor asked him worried, stopping his train of thoughts.

"Yeah...thank you!" Takemichi said, even if he wasn't really okay, atleast mentally not. The neighbors told him to call the police the next time the man would be there again and he would do so. The neighbors left not before takemichi could thank them again. After that he closed the door again and sat down back on his couch. His Pizza was now cold. 'Ugh' he thought. It annoyed him, he got up again and took the pizza plate while going to the kitchen. He was putting the Pizza in the microwave, it wasn't completely cold, still slightly warm. He opened the microwave and put the pizza in there. What could go wrong? He put the timer on 7 minutes, that should be enough.

He then sat back on the couch. The  episode of the reality show was already over so he was gonna watch the next one. Takemichi jumped up hearing the noise of the microwave that told him the seven minutes were over. He got up and walked to the microwave, he opened it and wanted to take the plate out but oh boy the pizza was hot. 'Fuck' he thought shaking his hand in the air so that pain could go away or so he thought. He got himself a towel and took the pizza plate out bringing it in the living room and putting it on the table. It was luckily not completely burned.

Takemichi began eating the pizza while thinking, he knew one thing...

'I'm fucked'

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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