06. i love Alyssa Bennett

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𝙑𝙖𝙢𝙥𝙞𝙧𝙚 𝙙𝙞𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙨 - Friday Night Bites

•• Mystic Falls high school

BONNIE IS LEANING AGAINST HER SOMEONE'S LOCKER WAITING FOR ALYSSA.... 'please come, Lyssa' Bonnie says begging for Alyssa to come with her to Elena's for dinner.. not wanting to even go herself.. Alyssa rolling her eyes... Not really wanting to, but knowing her cousin... Is needing moral support... But knowing tonight might got be the best...

"I can't.. grams is helping me with something" trying to come up with an excuse.. Bonnie looks at her... Grams? "Helping with what?" Bonnie asks

"Witchy magic powers" she says winking at her "unlike you I'm wanting to embrace it.." Alyssa says slamming her locker "have fun with Edward Cullen" she says walking away laughing at her own comment... Bonnie laughs as well.. oh if Bonnie only knew that statement was true.. and that Stefen really was like Edward Cullen.. the vampire!

•• Bennett's residence

ALYSSA ON THE COUCH DRINKING HER TEA HER GRAMS MADE... "it'll help with the pain, it's mixed with wolfsbane" her grams said showing her the plant. Alyssa nods sipping the tea with no hesitation not even questioning her grams at this point... Everything she had been saying lately had be true and accurate...

One person Alyssa trusted most in this world and that was her grams Sheila Bennett... She knew of her witch side and embraced it, after the accident with Elena... The night of her Elena's parents death... In which had changed Alyssa life forever!

Having been stuck with a curse she wished never happened. A curse that triggered by a accidental death of Miranda and Grayson Gilbert... A secret only her grams knows... And helps her on very full Moon..

Alyssa Bennett hated what she had became and was scared to tell anyone' thinking they'll think she's a monster even though her grams says she not..

Sipping her tea and reading a spell book trying to find a spell for lycanthropy.

•• the Gilbert residence

[The doorbell rings again.]
Elena: I wonder who that could be.
[Elena opens the door. Caroline and Damon are outside.]

Caroline: Surprise! Alyssa said you were doing dinner, so we brought dessert.

Elena: Oh. [Whispers to Stefan] she's not even here and she tells Caroline [he laughs]

Damon: Hope you don't mind.
Stefan: What are you doing here?
Damon: Waiting for Elena to invite me in.

Elena: Oh, yeah, you can...

Stefan: No, no, no. He can't, uh...he can't stay. Can you, Damon?

Caroline: Get in here.

Stefan: We're just...finishing up.
Elena: It's fine. Just come on in.
Damon: You have a beautiful home, Elena.

Elena: Thank you.

[The Living Room.]

Caroline: I cannot believe that Mr. Tanner let you on the team. Tyler must be seething. But good for you. Go for it.

Damon: That's what I always tell him. You have to engage. You can't just sit there and wait for life to come to you. You have to go get it.

Caroline: Yeah, Elena wasn't so lucky today. It's only because you missed summer camp... If only you had Alyssa's talent of picking up choreography so quickly..
God, I don't know how you're ever going to learn the routines.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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