ch 19

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Y/ns pov:

Marinette was doing her resurch about the new kuwami box while I was helping tikki with her hats.
As all the kwami gets out me and marinette rush to catch them all but then the girls call us .
"Um is everything OK " alya asks. "Ya just making plushies" marinette answers to which I hit my forehead. Then before i could talk I hear my name being called from downstairs.
"I gtg I'll try to come back soon to help u" I say and head downstairs. 

I head downstairs and I see Luka.  I greet  him and so does he . "Y/n come " mom says taking me somewhere else. "What's wrong " I ask . "U need to go back to China I already booked ur ticket for a week . Ull be with ur uncle" she tells me . "Why am I going back " I ask. "Right um u need to fill some files for the inheritance from my parents" she tells me . I obviously have no choice here so I just nod and agree.

I head upstairs but just then Marinette comes out bumping into me. Thankfully no one was hurt.

Time skip

"Ya I'm already in the plane I'm sorry I didn't tell u sooner " I say to Adrian on the call. "It's fine love after all it's just one week " He assures me obviously sounding sad.
"I want cheeseeeeeeeee" I hear plagg yell and I also here some crashing . "Sorry he recently heard that chinese people sell really old blue cheese." Adrian explains.
"Hahah tell plagg that if I do find it I'll make sure to get him some " I say with tears in my eyes from laughing. 

"Alright I need to off my phone now talk to u later" I say and hang up.

I reach outside and find my uncle looking for me . We head to his home as he explains about all the things I get from grandpa and grandma. "U get almost everything. Me and ur mom are get only 10% each . They really loved u huh"  He tells me . "They did after all I'm there granddaughter who they raised me " I also say.
I head upstairs where I'm supposed to sleep . I message Adrian and talk to him about today.
"Ya it seems he's favorite guitarist is his dad"
"Wow that's great for him "
" but marinette and Luka are not dating anymore and as her bestfriend I couldn't help her "
" Don't worry babe . But I do think that she still loves u . She still goes on and on about u at night"
" Well I don't want to make her sad by rejecting her later ..ugh this is so stressful "
" hey hey chill .....u know the great cat once said smtg great "
" oh ya what did a mere cat say "
" It said meow meow meow...meow MEOW MEOW MEOW meow "
" wtf pfft that's so funny . God one love"
" I saw it on the internet hehe"
" my god hahhaa"

Super Time skip

" welcome back y/n" Marinette greets me . " hi...." I greet her back staring at her." Is smtg wrong" she asks. "Ya u don't look stressful or worried u look more chill now " I tell her.
"Actually after u went to China a lot of things happened.  I broke up with Luka and with shadow mouth and all I got really stressed "
"But u look fine now " I ask.
"Ya I um....I told alya about me being ladybug but she dosnt know u know" she tells me.
"It's OK alya won't harm u it's great to let it out sometimes u did good " I assure her. She hugs me imidately glad about what I said so I hug her back .
Sadly our sweet moment was ruined by cat nior knocking on the window. " Sorry to ruin ur moment but I need my charger back . I've been so sad with y/n" He starts with his lines again.
"Alright u can have her now cat" marinette assures him and pushes me to him .
I fall into his arms and he hugs me tightly.
"Yo u killing me here" I say to which he let's me go and kisses my forehead.

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