Chapter 6 Freeze The Visitor!

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(3rd POV)

'It's raining...' The Visitor thought to myself as he unfolded his crystalline umbrella and the canopy's spread out to shield him from the raindrops, the lack of humans had disturbed him in an odd way but regardless of this he continued on his way down the incline as he slowly drifted to his thoughts.

'Yesterday was quite fun... I had quite a delightful time with Miku yesterday, maybe I should ask her if we can go out like that again.' He heard a sudden splash as he snapped out and looked around next to him was a playground. From there he saw a girl with blue eye, wavy long blue hair and she wore an oversized green raincoat with a rabbit theme to it. 

She stood out like a sore thumb... The Visitor was curious as he approached the girl, with each step forward was an echo, his footsteps heavy despite the sound of rain. Suddenly the girl saw him and looked alarmed as she tried to run away but tripped as he noticed she dropped her little puppet.

The Visitor approached the puppet as he crouched down and observed it before it used its hands to grab it and gave it to the little girl as she puts the puppet into her arm and it suddenly moved around as if it's alive with its own sentience. Suddenly it turned towards The visitor.

"Thank you kind mister" A voice said as The Visitor spotted that the little girl's mouth wasn't moving, which confused him, was the puppet really talking on its own? how odd it reminded him of an interaction he had with Subject whilst he was helping Subject with lab work.

"Down here mister" The voice said again as The Visitor looked down to see it was coming from the puppet. "You're quite odd mister... you don't look like the others are you like us?" The Visitor stared at the puppet as he pulled out his whiteboard marker and begins to write. 

"Like you?" He simply wrote, since the question was very vague and lacked proper context The Visitor hoped for as the puppet nodded. "Yeah Mister... hunted down by those flying mean big sisters" The Puppet explained as Visitor recalled the memory of his first appearance in this odd world.

"I was attacked by them... but after our first encounter they seemed to have left me alone" The Visitor wrote down as he showed it to the puppet and girl as the puppet made an odd sound.

"I'm so jealous... wish they would just leave me and Yoshino alone" The puppet said as the little girl controlling the puppet was revealed to be named Yoshino.

"I have eyes on <Hermit>." A voice suddenly said as The Visitor reacted fast enough as he pulled Yoshino to his arms causng the blade to make contact with his body instead, upon the blade touching The Visitor his whole clothes and skin hardened into a crystal like matter to absorb a majority of the impact and force of the swing.

The Visitor suddenly closed his umbrella as he hits the the girl with his umbrella sending her flying as her reinforcements come in a flock as he suddenly touched Yoshino and they burrow underground. leaving the group of girls.

"They got away" one of them said as one of the girls pick up the puppet left behind.


The Visitor resurfaced away from the area as he helped the little girl up, despite burrowing underground with dirt and stone surrounding them The Visitor and Yoshino's clothes remained unaffected as The Visitor helped her resurfaced she seemed upset as he noticed they left her puppet behind...

"Yoshinon" She muttered in sadness as The Visitor pulled out his whiteboard and marker.

"Why are you sad?" The Visitor wrote to her, as she nervously looked at him with teary eyes.

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